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The doctor? Doctor who?

Appropriately we're on page 12 as the 12th Doctor is announced.

It's only Peter fucking Capaldi. Excellent choice, Moffat!
There were worse choices they could've made, including most of those suggested on t'internet.

I imagine the dynamic between Doc 12 and Clara will be interesting, as she clearly fancied chin boy and it seemed mutual.

All that said, I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't a giant bLoL from Moffat where, come Christmas, Matt Smith regenerates into Patterson Joseph.
So... Umm... Humpf...

I don't actually know if I like the new guy. It's not that I don't like him, but there is a bit less to go on than in the last few regenerations. Both Smith and Tennant gave us more of their versions personality in the first bit, Capaldi gave us more in the way of confusion. I suppose I have to watch more before I make my mind.

On a positive side YLE is showing the new episodes about as soon as they come out here in Finland (they air on Sunday evening here.).
Anyone know of a good point-by-point breakdown of what's relevant in Series 7? I'm very very torn.

On the one hand, I have hopes that Series 8 might be worth watching. On the other, things spiraled so terribly into crap writing that I'm not sure a new doctor is going to fix the problem. But maybe. 8 is the one with Capaldi right? I want to start watching, but I don't want to watch more of the 11th Doctor. Not that Matt Smith was bad - hell, he and the hot redhead were the only redeeming qualities of the last 2 series I watched. I blame the writers, cause it wasn't bad acting, it was just terrible writing. Like...Dexter finale bad.