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That same old conversation continued


Yesterday, I got the following email:
Hi Aaron,

I would like to have an email correspondence with you. I am a Christian.

I see that you are an atheist.

I really believe that what Paul wrote in Romans is true – that “no man is without excuse” because “even creation itself declare the glory of God”. Forget ancient literatures and oral tradition….even the material universe declares the glory of God!

I’m sure you have heard the line about “the chances of the material universe ‘just happening’ is tantamount to a tornado lifting all the scrap iron in a junkyard high into the air and then dropping it back down on earth as a jet airplane”. What are the chances of that happening? ZERO, of course. Same with the material universe, most notably human beings, with our zillions of complex cells and functions. Just happened? Not to be arrogant, but real funny.

Ultimately, it’s a matter of faith, whether you believe it all “just happened” or whether you believe in an all-powerful God. I would exhort you to consider that it takes a lot more faith to believe it “just happened” than to believe in a Divine Designer. You can’t have intelligent design without a Designer. I’m sure you have heard this line too. But have you ever deeply meditated on it?? No one denies that we have intelligent design all throughout the material universe. Many SCIENTISTS who never had a leaning toward creationism eventually came to the conclusion that design requires a Designer.

Likewise, our material universe has undeniable laws in place. You can’t have laws without a lawgiver,,,,else you have to place your faith in “tornado apologetics”, which is utter foolishness. Again, it takes a ton more faith to believe that the laws of the universe whereby everything is governed “just happened”.

I will stop here, but would like to say more! Can we have an email correspondence?
To which I replied:

Imagine having the exact same conversation repeated point by point at least once a week every week for 25 years and counting, correcting the same mistakes every single time; except that those mistakes are never acknowledged and will only be repeated yet again by that same person, as if those errors had never been pointed out.

>> Obligatory citation of Romans 1:20.

As I explained in my book, after this, the passage goes on to imply (in the modern interpretation) that all atheists are hateful, evil, twisted, perverted, arrogant, and full of gay pride. It also says we worship the creation rather than the creator. I take that to mean that we actually study the natural world with awe and wonder, and that we accept evidence while apologists deny it to believe something else on faith. Remember also that everywhere except the Bible, a fool is defined as one who too readily accepts improbable claims of credulous sources on insufficient evidence and is thus easily duped by a lie. So it's no surprise that the Bible and the Qur'an both give the opposite definition from common parlance. So whenever someone says to me, “the fool says in his heart there is no god,” I like to reply with Jeremiah 8:8: “How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us’? Behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.”
Somehow apologists interpret the above citation of Romans 1 from verse 18 onward to mean that everyone really knows that God exists, whether we admit it or not. First off, even if we pretend that the Bible is the authority they imagine it to be, these comments still didn’t apply to everyone in the world; they were directed only to a particular subset of Jews and Gentiles who were quarreling over who knew God better. Secondly, the passage actually requires that the reader simply assume the conclusion that “creation” requires a creator, but that’s the fallacy of question begging. What if we call it “reality” instead? Otherwise the passage gives no explanation of how anyone (much less everyone) is supposed to “know” that God exists.
There are also many other verses which prove that this cannot be the correct interpretation, beginning with the 16th verse of this very chapter from Romans where it says that the gospel is the power of God for salvation “to everyone who believes,” which implies that there are also those who do not believe. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 says the same thing. 1 Thessalonians 4:5 says the Gentiles don’t know God. According to 1 Samuel 3:7, Samuel didn’t know God, and Exodus 5:2 says Pharaoh didn’t either. Jeremiah 9:3 has God himself complaining about people who don’t know him. 1 Corinthians 8:6–7 also states unambiguously that there are people who do not know that there is a creator god, much less who he is. So the Bible clearly admits in several places that there are people who do not believe in the god of Abraham, either because they believe in other gods instead or because they believe in no gods at all.

>> "….even the material universe declares the glory of God!"

Christians claim that the rocks and stones themselves sing praises to Jesus. The Qur'an says much the same thing about Allah, and the Bhagavad Gita says something similar about Lord Krishna too. But in fact, there is nothing in nature that is actually indicative of any god, much less any particular god. That again is just the question-begging fallacy of circular reasoning that is ubiquitous throughout religion, every religion. The Jewish Torah, the Christian gospels, the Qur’an of Islam, the Kitabi-Aqdas of Bahá’u’lláh, the Hindu Vedas, the Avestas of Zarathustra, the Adi Granth of the Sikhs, the Mahabarata’s Bhagavad Gita, the Book of Mormon, and the Urantia Book are all declared by some devotees to be the “absolute truth” and the “revealed word” of the “one true god,” and believers of each say the others are deceived. The only logical probability is that they are all deceived, at least to some degree. You all believe in your various scriptures without question, reservation or reason, and you think the strength of your faith is that you're unreasonable. Which is why you will never correct any error no matter how solidly proved, and thus you will never improve.

>> Obligatory citation of Hoyle's "tornado in a junkyard" fallacy, followed immediately by the argument from improbability fallacy.

Natural selection is a deterministic process, one of several to show that things don't "just happen by chance". You have to ignore an awful lot about physics and chemistry, population genetics and everything we really do know about evolution to instead pretend that a bunch of dirt gathered together to make a man like it says in the sacred fables. Declaring "zero chance" of evolution is no different than remembering everything you did yesterday, logging every interaction you had exactly where and when all that happened, and inevitably calculating that the odds against all of that happening in precisely that sequence and timing make yesterday virtually impossible. You do that because you don't want to understand evident reality. You want to make-believe something else instead.

Another error in your perception is the assumption that complexity implies a designer. Quite the opposite actually. Any pattern emerging from the molecular level will inevitably be complex with numbers that seem vast at our scale. A hallmark of intelligent design would be an efficient simplicity such as we do NOT see anywhere in biochemistry. The absurdly unnecessarily complex mechanisms we see instead imply a haphazard incidental incremental assembly.

>> Obligatory Projection fallacy,

as if evolution is a religion;
as if science relies on faith, just like religion does;
as if science is biased just like religion is;
as if there is no evidence for evolution, the Big Bang, abiogenesis, etc.;
as if there is evidence for creation, Noah’s flood, God, etc.;
as if religion is reasonable just like science is;
as if religion can be confirmed empirically and experimentally just like science;
as if creationism is scientific.

It's the time-honored apologetic of "I'm rubber, you're glue", projecting your own faults onto those who will not share them. It's a form of the tu quo quee fallacy that I call "the pot calling the silverware black". By pretending that those without faith have faith too, and are therefore just as bad as you, you are admitting how bad faith is. I know that already. I am an apistevist. I reject faith as the most dishonest position it is possible to have. Any belief that requires faith should be rejected for that reason. I have evidence instead, and it is compelling.

The truth is what the facts are, what we can show to be true, NOT whatever else we might rather assume or imagine beyond or instead of that. But you will run and hide from the facts like believers always do, literally in fear of the truth. You believe as you do because you've been indoctrinated, inculcated and conditioned to defend the faith or else face the threat of a fate worse than death, as if your belief is your personal identity and that any correction to the errors you're parroting would be a damnable offense, be it blasphemy, heresy or apostacy. Your religion says these are all crimes; according to your fragile, faith-based belief system of nothing but lies, each of these alleged crimes deserve the death penalty, because they are all penalties against indecent inquiry. You're not allowed to think. Instead you're forced to believe what you're told, simply because you were told to, and don't you dare question that.

No evolutionary scientist ever embraced creationism, but the reverse happens quite often. Because some few people out there actually care what the truth is. That's why atheism is on the rise in all fifty states and around the world, even in Sharia countries where unbelievers can be executed for the thought crime of disbelief.

You don't understand what natural laws are either. Everything that exists has properties. When we humans recognize those properties, we jot them down in the form of short summary statement or simple mathematics equation. We don't always get it right either. In the late 1800s, there were two laws proposed at about the same time with very similar names, the biogenetic law and the law of biogenesis. Both turned out to be flawed and thus discarded.

>> I will stop here, but would like to say more! Can we have an email correspondence?

You will not present even one argument that is verifiably true, logically valid and indicative of "creation". Every creationist argument depends on frauds, fallacies and fallacies and nothing else. Every logical fallacy has been used as an argument for God and every argument for God is a logical fallacy. Since you will not correct any of your own mistakes, you will only continue to misrepresent my position however you can. It is dishonest to assert your own baseless speculation as though it was a matter of fact, pretending to know things no one even can know, yet that is what all religions do.

Same conversation every day, with all the same fallacies and nonsense presented, corrected and repeated again, regardless of the believer or the religion. Can you break that pattern? I don't think you can.

Today, he answered back:

Thank you for your reply!

Yes, I think I can break that pattern.

How do you account for inherent morality and conscience?? You see, God also gave us a conscience. The N.T. talks about conscience. God has written his laws on our hearts. Yes, we can sear that conscience, Paul said, and then be given up by God Himself to total depravity. But God is fair. The Gospel has gone forth to all. Its an open invitation.

Morality and conscience brings up man’s biggest problem – sin. Neither atheism nor any other world religion deals with the sin problem. Atheism denies it and other world religions are works oriented and therefore can never calm a guilty conscience. The consequences of sin is eternal death. The sin problem puts humanity in a hole that it climb NEVER climb out of on its own.

Psalm 50 verse 1 says “the FOOL says in his heart that there is no God”.

“Deterministic process” – Huh?? What??? Yes, I know about determinism. It’s a preloaded, quick move by atheists. Yet, when atheists use this terminology to explain intelligent design and laws of the universe they don’t realize that such talk not only doesn’t destroy the existence of God but that it actually confirms the existence of a supreme Designer. Who started the process??? Are we to assume that chaos produced a godless process that produced intelligent design?? Not good.

You asserted that we think that “the strength of our faith is our unreasonableness”. Talk about a misrepresentation. The truth is, Christian apologists ultimately make the argument that the God of the Bible is the MOST REASONABLE belief that one can have. Evolution is a nutty doctrine that can easily be proven to be just that. Darwin was simply winging it with a godless thought. When you started out anti-God you will say anything regardless of how silly it is. Why don’t we see evolution happening today??? I’m not talking about new breeds of dogs that came from breeding other dogs. I’m talking about new species that come from dogs.

And it only gets worse. Life begets life. OOPS! How did Darwin pull the rabbit out of the hat?? He “just said so”. He said that NON-life begat life. From there, he said that all the many species came from the first specie. Huh??? What??? Is that reasonable, Aaron?? No, it isn’t!!

“Determinist process” – This is your circular grand explanation for order from chaos??? Again, you are actually admitting just how anti-reason your atheism is.

The Christian faith is the most reasonable choice of beliefs that there is.
Repeating the same pattern is not breaking it. I'm working on a project at the moment, and will address this troll tomorrow.
It's amazing that he says "You probably heard this argument" several times and doesn't realize this means it's probably been debunked.

Personally, I'd start by sending him the link to Talkorigin's Index to Creationist Claims and asking him to check all his arguments there first, and then only send the ones which he didn't find there.
Thank you for your reply!

Yes, I think I can break that pattern.
Spoiler alert: You didn't. Repeating and perpetuating the pattern is not breaking it.

How do you account for inherent morality and conscience??
That question requires two long answers, but as it happens, I explain both of those in detail here.

You see, God also gave us a conscience.
You see, when you care about truth, you learn not to say things are true when you can't show the truth of it. Remember, it is dishonest to assert baseless speculation as if it was a matter of fact. In every other practice except religion, that would be called lying. Only religion refers to lies as "revealed truth".

The N.T. talks about conscience. God has written his laws on our hearts.
Obviously not.

Yes, we can sear that conscience, Paul said, and then be given up by God Himself to total depravity.
Adopting faith often serves as an excuse for total depravity.

But God is fair. The Gospel has gone forth to all. Its an open invitation.
The god character depicted in your favorite fables is an unjust monster who gives infinitely extreme punishment for finite thought crimes. It is not in any sense "fair".

Morality and conscience brings up man’s biggest problem – sin. Neither atheism nor any other world religion deals with the sin problem. Atheism denies it and other world religions are works oriented and therefore can never calm a guilty conscience. The consequences of sin is eternal death. The sin problem puts humanity in a hole that it climb NEVER climb out of on its own.
Other religions believe in the same nonsense you do, and treat it the same way you do, but in reality, there is no such thing as sin.

Psalm 50 verse 1 says “the FOOL says in his heart that there is no God”.
Remember that a fool is commonly understood to be one who too readily believes improbable claims from questionable sources on insufficient evidence. So it is no surprise that the Bible and the Qur'an both use the opposite definition from common parlance, since both of these books are trying to fool you. That's why they do as you do, projecting all their own faults onto others who will not share them, such that your stories say that the wise become fools and that only the fools are wise.

“Deterministic process” – Huh?? What??? Yes, I know about determinism. It’s a preloaded, quick move by atheists. Yet, when atheists use this terminology to explain intelligent design and laws of the universe they don’t realize that such talk not only doesn’t destroy the existence of God but that it actually confirms the existence of a supreme Designer. Who started the process??? Are we to assume that chaos produced a godless process that produced intelligent design?? Not good.
You evidently do NOT know about determinism, certainly not in the context I'm talking about. Nor do we [atheists] ever try to "destroy God". It is enough that believers have never been able to substantiate their fantasy phantasm. Nor has there ever been anything to "confirm the existence of a supreme designer". That's a lie. If you're just going to lie to me, then there is no reason to continue. We don't use determinism to explain the laws of the universe (as I have already explained to you, and you ignored) and there is no "intelligent design" for us to explain. Asking "who" started the process is a fallacy of presupposition.

You asserted that we think that “the strength of our faith is our unreasonableness”. Talk about a misrepresentation.
That was not a misrepresentation. You're demonstrating that now, as all your forerunners have always done too, and we have documentation of that archived all over this forum.

The truth is, Christian apologists ultimately make the argument that the God of the Bible is the MOST REASONABLE belief that one can have.
The truth is that apologetics is the most dishonest employment one can have. It is the systematic making up of excuses to rationalize or justify inconsistencies, absurdities, atrocities and contradictions within the faith while also dismissing--without consideration--any and all evidence against it. Religious apologetics depends ENTIRELY on frauds, falsehoods and fallacies. There is not one argument any apologist can make that is verifiably true, logically valid, and indicative of your still unwarranted assumptions and assertions. You were supposed to provide one, but all you've done so far was regurgitate lies and nonsense. Every single thing you've said so far was at least a stupid error if not a lie also.

Evolution is a nutty doctrine that can easily be proven to be just that.
Evolution is a demonstrable fact of population genetics, fossils and phylogeny, and I could easily prove evolution even to your satisfaction, such that you will become an "evolutionist" for the rest of your life, and be embarrassed that you ever believed the ridiculous silliness you do now.

Darwin was simply winging it with a godless thought.
Darwin was a Christian who trained in Christ's college to become a preacher.

When you started out anti-God you will say anything regardless of how silly it is.
Correction: You're describing religious apologetics. I am an official representative of American Atheists, the vast majority of which were raised religious and once believed as you do now. I know former ministers, missionaries, seminary students and so on who used to say anything regardless of how silly it was in defense of their faith, until they finally realized there is simply no truth to religious belief. So they're atheist now.

Why don’t we see evolution happening today??? I’m not talking about new breeds of dogs that came from breeding other dogs. I’m talking about new species that come from dogs.
We do.


And it only gets worse. Life begets life. OOPS! How did Darwin pull the rabbit out of the hat?? He “just said so”. He said that NON-life begat life. From there, he said that all the many species came from the first specie. Huh??? What??? Is that reasonable, Aaron?? No, it isn’t!!
You're quoting the "law of biogenesis" proposed by Rudolf Virchow in the mid 1800s. He was a pioneer cell biologist who said "life comes from life" and also that "cells come from cells". However, someone challenged to explain where diseased cells came from, and he gave the same simple stupid answer again, that "diseased cells come from diseased cells". He was forced to recant that and accept that there must have been a first diseased cell that was healthy and BECAME diseased. This also logically meant that there had to be a first cell that became alive.

I just uploaded two videos explaining this to the convicted fraud and charlatan, Kent Hovind.

“Determinist process” – This is your circular grand explanation for order from chaos??? Again, you are actually admitting just how anti-reason your atheism is.
Now you're projecting your circular reasoning onto me. Circular reasoning is why you're religious. I'm not religious because I don't assume my own conclusions like you do. Natural selection is a deterministic process because it determines that only those organisms suited to that environment will thrive there. Even that idiot Hovind understands and accepts that!

The Christian faith is the most reasonable choice of beliefs that there is.
Faith is unreasonable by definition. It means assuming unsupported assertions without reason and defending them against all reason despite all evidence to the contrary.

Everyone on this forum sees that you didn't break the pattern, you're just a parrot who is stuck in that mold and cannot, WILL not think outside of your box. That's why absolutely everything you ever say is wrong.
Oh. I was anticipating that the other participant would be coming here to continue the discussion. Maybe I misinterpreted the intention.

As an aside, as to my own perspective - having debated a small handful of topics over the last 20 years (I'm fairly isolated in the things I'll debate) - the moment dishonesty is detected, I'm just out. Life's too short. If an interlocutor is engaging honestly I'll continue for as long as they want to, I think lying and deliberately misrepresenting the facts is just my cut-off point these days.
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>> Obligatory citation of Romans 1:20.

As I explained in my book, after this, the passage goes on to imply (in the modern interpretation) that all atheists are hateful, evil, twisted, perverted, arrogant, and full of gay pride. It also says we worship the creation rather than the creator. I take that to mean that we actually study the natural world with awe and wonder, and that we accept evidence while apologists deny it to believe something else on faith. Remember also that everywhere except the Bible, a fool is defined as one who too readily accepts improbable claims of credulous sources on insufficient evidence and is thus easily duped by a lie. So it's no surprise that the Bible and the Qur'an both give the opposite definition from common parlance. So whenever someone says to me, “the fool says in his heart there is no god,” I like to reply with Jeremiah 8:8: “How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us’? Behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.”
Somehow apologists interpret the above citation of Romans 1 from verse 18 onward to mean that everyone really knows that God exists, whether we admit it or not. First off, even if we pretend that the Bible is the authority they imagine it to be, these comments still didn’t apply to everyone in the world; they were directed only to a particular subset of Jews and Gentiles who were quarreling over who knew God better. Secondly, the passage actually requires that the reader simply assume the conclusion that “creation” requires a creator, but that’s the fallacy of question begging. What if we call it “reality” instead? Otherwise the passage gives no explanation of how anyone (much less everyone) is supposed to “know” that God exists.
There are also many other verses which prove that this cannot be the correct interpretation, beginning with the 16th verse of this very chapter from Romans where it says that the gospel is the power of God for salvation “to everyone who believes,” which implies that there are also those who do not believe. 2 Thessalonians 1:8 says the same thing. 1 Thessalonians 4:5 says the Gentiles don’t know God. According to 1 Samuel 3:7, Samuel didn’t know God, and Exodus 5:2 says Pharaoh didn’t either. Jeremiah 9:3 has God himself complaining about people who don’t know him. 1 Corinthians 8:6–7 also states unambiguously that there are people who do not know that there is a creator god, much less who he is. So the Bible clearly admits in several places that there are people who do not believe in the god of Abraham, either because they believe in other gods instead or because they believe in no gods at all.
I think this post ironicly demonstrates a rather beautiful and accurate understanding of a part of what has been presented to us in the Bible. Thank you for that. God also, in the Bible, seems to consider what the individual has had an opportunity to experience. And your side has been winning for a long time.