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Tarocchi - Card Games for Tarot


New Member

OK - this is a very rough start for me as I learn about making films. The worst part however, is my narration, that may improve over time. I've no doubt that I shall remake this one at a later date. In the mean time, do watch it in HD so that you can see the illustrations properly.

I'm never going to make a difference in the big fights (though I dare say that I shall wade in more over time). However, I would like to attempt a rather modest goal of helping to tackle the myths and nonsense that has developed around tarot cards. I don't like the occult, I think that fortune telling is harmful, and I do think that this project is the right way of attacking this little part of it.

Tarot cards were created for playing card games and are, I'm happy to say, still used for them throughout much of continental Europe. They include some of the most sophisticated and strategically challenging card games ever devised. This alone is reason to promote their cause to English speakers. Can you imagine though, a better way to express your distain toward the occultism than by playing a game with the objects they hold to be so significant - while at the same time, exercising your own intelligence!? If the games can be made popular, then I think that their real history will spread with them, further damaging their credibility with the 'general public'.

If anyone would like to take part in this then mirroring the films in this series could be a help. However, just as, if not far more, effective is to download the book of games from my site, buy a pack of cards and start playing. I think that you'll agree that these are the ideal games for the rational activist and what is more, I guarantee that you'll enjoy them. My personal recommendations is for Ottocento. But there are so many to choose from and not a bad one there.

I should note that the book does require some small revisions - in particular for Terziglio, somehow an old draft chapter got in there. Sorry about that.