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Talk about ignorance!


New Member
I just got a visit from my friendly local Jehovahs Witness, and just demolished everything he brought up.

I challenged him to disprove Evolution in his own time, to carefully study the evidence and come to his own conclusions, not those force-fed to him by his peers. But he couldn't accept evolution in any form. He even assumes that the reason we can talk to each other is because of God, not language.

Eventually, (after 30 minutes of listening to me rant on) he had to be dragged away by another "Jehovah! Jehovah!" Witness.

"I'm alive! I'm alive! I want to sing and shout and oh.."
I got sad one day because I was leaving to go the an appointment and saw there were some mormons going door to door. I was going to miss them! I was so eager to invite them in and just be sadistic!

Well, as sadistic as I can manage.
Just to add a touch more here, I'd like to cover some of the defences raised by the crazy man at my door.

Q1. There is no evidence for God.
A1. The bible is all the evidence we need.

Q2. The bible is no proof that Jesus existed, where is the evidence?
A2. Well, you can also say there is no evidence for the existence William Shakespeare.
R2. True, but you'd be wrong, you can actually visit his grave.

Q3. How old do you think the world is?
A3. Oh, it's millions of years old.
R3. Phew.

Q4. Do you believe in Evolution?
A4. No, there is no evidence to support it.
R4. Okay, you really need to study this area a little more I think.

Q5. If God created all this, why is there so much nastiness in the world? Surely that's a bad design.
A5. Ah no, that's man's fault.

etc etc.
These poor people are 'trained' from birth to believe in these things and its reinforced by being told that if you question it YOU ARE A VERY BAD PERSON WHO WILL SUFFER IN HELL! Not only that but their family and friends will ostracize them.

On top of that they actually never LEARN about these things (evolution). Most schools suck at teaching it to the point its laughable and then they go home and are told lies about it.

I really do pity them.
Yeah, I mentioned Eternal Damnation, stating that it doesn't sound like a loving God to me.

"Pray to me or suffer eternal damnation! You heathens!"

I also asked why he waste his life going around talking to people about religion, and that he should take a more individualistic approach to life, and not to take anything he's told for granted. Research it first before reaching a conclusion.

And even if the conclusion leads in his head to the existence of God, then that's fine, as long as he accepts that it is based on Faith not evidence. I think it went right over his head as he didn't have a response to that.
arg-fallbackName="Raistlin Majere"/>
Yeah, try having a Christian "scientist" for a biology teacher. I mean honestly, how can you have a biology teacher that doesn't "believe in" the over-arching theory of the field and one of the most important theories in modern science? We COMPLETELY skipped evolution in biology class. Never touched on it once, never even heard him speak the word >.<
Otokogoroshi said:
You should complain to your principal. He is required to teach certain things.

Exactly! You should get your whole class and all of your parents to complain. How did he get to tach biology in the first place?
buzzausa said:
Exactly! You should get your whole class and all of your parents to complain. How did he get to tach biology in the first place?

Becoming a teaching is pretty easy.

Not to belittle the people who teach, and do it well. But actually getting hired as a teacher isn't that hard, nor is getting the required education. Most schools don't really have standards and are more reactionary, ie they seem to hire first ask questions only after crap goes wrong.

Though it greatly depends on the area.
arg-fallbackName="Raistlin Majere"/>
He's been a teacher there for like 20 years and is actually a nice guy. Really that's my only problem with him. And I live in a quiet little hick town that wouldn't care enough to create a problem about it. So really there's not much that really can be done. Students here don't care enough to learn anything important anyway so I guess it works out.
Did you expect door-to-door proselytizers to be anything but ignorant? JW's aren't exactly known for their scientific understanding.
You know, in all my years I have never recieved a visit from them. It makes me sad really, I'm missing out on the fun.

Oh and in regards to the teacher discussion a few posts up. I'm in a similar boat, except it was actually taught to us, although rather poorly. Also, my philosophy teacher tried to teach the class intelligent design and he claimed it was 'the best option' as it 'satisfied both camps'. Needless to say I quickly stood out of my seat and destoryed his position. The subject hasn't been brought up since.
arg-fallbackName="Raistlin Majere"/>
Good for you Elypsis, I'm glad you stood up to your teacher. Unfortunately I didn't really have half a clue about evolution at the time otherwise so I couldn't possibly do the same.

I did confront him today though and apparently evolution is JUST a theory... *headdesk* I asked him why he wasn't floating away as we spoke then because gravity is also JUST a theory.
Arrrgh! I missed them AGAIN! I was walking home yesterday, and when I got within sight of my house, they were a few houses away, moving gradually away from our drive. Through the letterbox was a leaflet talking about how when the end of the world came, all suffering would end (duh, we'd all be dead). I don't know if they were actually Jehovah's Witnesses-the leaflet seemed a bit too evangelical-but either way, I'm pissed off that I missed them.