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Suggest an Apocalyptic Book please


New Member
Hi I always enjoyed the end of the world theme for novels. I just usually like the idea of taking a few people out of society or just have society fall from around them and to kinda see what happens. Books like The Stand, The postman , Lord of the Flies even the graphic novel The Walking Dead are all great and I was just hoping to get some suggestions. Please and thank you ^_^
i read "Cell" had a crappy ending but then again all kings newer stuff seems to cop out on the ending. although i didn't read duma key or dome yet
* The Road by Cormac McCarthy (408)
* A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller (202)
* Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood (113)
* The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition by Stephen King (113)
* Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank (104)
* I Am Legend by Richard Matheson (97)
* The Postman by David Brin (84)
* On the Beach by Nevil Shute (73)
* Dies the Fire by S. M. Stirling (70)
* Earth Abides by George R. Stewart (69)
* World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks (68)
* The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau (64)
* Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban (58)
* The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham (57)
* The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (57)
* Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven (51)
* The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (49)
* Unmanned by Brian K. Vaughan (46)
* The Protector's War by S. M. Stirling (46)
* The Chrysalids by John Wyndham (46)

In order of recommendation by popularity.
tangoen said:
i read "Cell" had a crappy ending but then again all kings newer stuff seems to cop out on the ending. although i didn't read duma key or dome yet
I'm a huge King fan, but I don't understand his endings. He constructs these intriguing characters, has thrilling and fantastic stories with an excellent attention to detail and can paint a picture amazingly well...yet so many of his books have dull endings. I have no idea how or why this is.
different theories some say when he quit coke he went downhill other say the car accident or maybe its just the fact hes written so god damn much it's just that the well is running dry. i dunno but i love king and i'll probably always give his stuff a chance its amazing how many times i'll be watching something on tv and my wife(bigger fan than myself, her middle name was actually named after the book Christine) she will tell me it's based on a short story by king
Aught3 said:
* The Road by Cormac McCarthy (408)
* A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller (202)
* Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood (113)
* The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition by Stephen King (113)
* Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank (104)
* I Am Legend by Richard Matheson (97)
* The Postman by David Brin (84)
* On the Beach by Nevil Shute (73)
* Dies the Fire by S. M. Stirling (70)
* Earth Abides by George R. Stewart (69)
* World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks (68)
* The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau (64)
* Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban (58)
* The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham (57)
* The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (57)
* Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven (51)
* The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (49)
* Unmanned by Brian K. Vaughan (46)
* The Protector's War by S. M. Stirling (46)
* The Chrysalids by John Wyndham (46)

In order of recommendation by popularity.

someone else read day of the triffids i'm impressed. thanks for the suggestions . read a lot of these but world war z caught my eye think i'll check that out first. I know i mentioned it above already but if your a zombie fan check out the walking dead oh and if your up for a crazy zombie movie rarely heard of check out "Pontypool" if you can find it its canadian so it might not be everywhere .thanks again