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** STICKY ** Fundies of Youtube

Re: Fundies of Youtube

MikeFoz said:
I see this list has been brought to the attention of one of the listees:

I noticed that when he showed Thunderfoot's profile, thunderf00t's country was labeled as 'Verenigde Staten'. This is dutch for United States. This means that this arseclown is either dutch, or Belgian, even though his profile says he is Aramean.
Re: Fundies of Youtube

Please add http://www.youtube.com/user/mdean1215

If you guys liked the AtheistAntidote plagiarism scandal, cursory review of mdean1215's videos and subsequent googling of 4-5 word quoted phrases will yield the apologetic websites that he rips off nearly word for word.

He recently put added author credits after I created a stink on his comments and profile page (which he DELETED), but doesn't add the website from which it came because it would expose his plagiarism.

I don't mind someone giving their point of view, I mind hypocrites who pretend to be knowledgeable on subjects (using plagiarism) then respond with contempt to folks that take the time to give comments on their ridiculous videos.
Re: Fundies of Youtube



Both trying to prove geocentrism, a faster speed of light in the past, deny evolution, and demonstrate that the bible predicts a massive global warming meltdown.

Also www.youtube.com/user/mackquigley (the original channel) has been shut down now, and he runs everything off themackquigleyreport.
Re: Fundies of Youtube

i like how they give thunderfoot a lot of shit for mocking people, in fact for mainly that reason, while promoting a clip of that one gorilla ... something something guy who had the line "thunderfoot reminds me of a bearded lady from the circus" underneath. Even in this very heavily selectively cut video they still fail to do better than they criticize him for being.

more of a fundie in the sense that he thinks modern medicine is an invention of satan, I think that qualifies.
it has been updated again. From the new year, I will be presenting 5 of the entries each week, on my youtube channel...
TheAnMish said:
My gosh there are many... it's almost scary.

Almost scary? You must be really hard-core. ;)

The worst part is that this is just on YouTube. One can only assume that many of these people have various religiously based aversions towards stuff like YT, the Internet, computers and technology in general, which means we never see them.

But well.. now and then they show up in the news, usually for causing misery or death to someone.
Gnug215 said:
TheAnMish said:
My gosh there are many... it's almost scary.

Almost scary? You must be really hard-core. ;)

...now and then they show up in the news, usually for causing misery or death to someone.

Yeah, I'm totally hard-core... like.. totally. ( My own mind just usually scares me more than ignorance ever has.. but that's a bit of a different conversation :D )

Yes, sometimes, these people end up causing some serious shit, and that's why I dislike them so much. They spread hatred for no reason and use the Bible as a shield against reason. *sigh*
The scariest one yet:

I dunno if that counts, since I am the one who is in control of the channel. :p

Oh, and this is where I get my Creation in the 21st Century videos from:

AndroidAR said:
The scariest one yet:

I dunno if that counts, since I am the one who is in control of the channel. :p

How was I not aware of that channel? I don't even know whether to rate it's videos 1 star for being creationist crap or 5 stars for being such useful resources.
Has anyone got the video archived where VMFX said that the holocaust was god's judgement on the Jews?

I saw a clip of it and noticed something that could land him in far worse trouble than a false DMCA, but there would need to be an extant, publicly available copy of the vid in order for a prosecution to take place.