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She sees things that don't exist.

I don't recall anyone suggesting others don't have the right to have a different point of view, but the point still stands. You can apply all the common sense you like (with it being subjective and everything I prefer evidence to common sense) but if someone is holding a unfalsifiable position then it's useless. As you correctly state, we cannot disprove someones personal perception of reality, that doesn't mean we have to given credence to extraordinary claims, or entertain any notion that they're valid.
It's called honesty. Peddlers of bollocks often take an unfalsifiable position and claim that their nonsense should be given consideration because it hasn't been evidenced to be untrue. Sad, but true.
That is true but equally, some people may have a genuine (to them) experience which they share just because it amazes them and they have no rationale for it. There is no benefit in immediately concluding that everyone with a mystery is 'peddling bollocks' just because some do. I'm no believer in Jesus except perhaps historically but it's crossed my mind to wonder how he'd fare today with the stuff the bible says he did. He'd probably be sectioned or stoned by the very people who claim to be his followers because they'd have no frame of reference.
Given the nature of this discussion and the direction it has gone, it's ironic you'd have the audacity to call anyone slippery, Nelipot.

There is a benefit to scepticism and there's very little reason in your assumption that someone relaying their experience means that they're telling you what they believe.

Often times it is because of what people don't believe that these experiences create the most fear and this can be quelled with a little insight, some scepticism and knowledge.

A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring;

There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.