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Psychiatry Industry Of Death


New Member
I am not sure if this is old stuff but I just stumbled on this video:

Search for it on google and you will find out that they have a Museum which has the same name.

... It is founded by Scientology...

In the sidebar you can find the whole documentary. You can also find Tom Cruise talk about this on the Today Show.

I don't buy it. But a healthy criticism of the Pharmaceutical industry sure is a good thing. Unfortunately this thing concentrates more on stirring up emotions than to present facts.

Sure the history of psychiatry sounds very cruel but so was every medical practice 200 years ago.

I just took a quick look at some comments and the ratings and it seems that a lot of people are buying this.

There are no mental illnesses and no chemical imbalances and psychiatry is a plan to take over the world.

But don't worry Scientology is there for you. They will help you.
Fuck Scientology. Fuck it right in the ear.

Psychiatry has, for quite a long time, been (admittedly) among the least scientific of the medical sciences. But that isn't to say that it's findings are complete nonsense. And that's what scientologists want us to believe since their whole religion revolves around our mental states being influenced by the spirits of dead aliens, rather than chemicals. The human brain is very complex and there, until recently, was no way of actually examining at the brain of a living person. Even now, we can scan the brain, but interpreting that information is still very difficult. Psychiatrists had to rely entirely on the generally unreliable and often bias word of the patient. The quote that comes to mind is, "Psychiatry is the only field of medicine where the doctor doesn't look at the organ he's treating." What this means is that a psychiatry is effectively feeling around in the dark, trying to make sense of these various diseases, while other doctors like podiatrists can take an X-ray and actually look. But recently, with the advancements of MRE technology and the science of neurology, medical science has a much clearer picture of the human brain and psychiatry and psychopharmacology hasn't been tossed out the window, it's been improved upon.

One example would be in the diagnosis of Autism. Autism has always been diagnosed through behavioral observation and better tests have improved diagnoses. But a recent study has produced a possible way of detecting the disorder from a brain scan.

In "documentaries" like this, they simply parade around all the cases of mis-diagnosis and get a guy in a lab coat to falsely represent them as the rule, not the exception. But none of this changes the fact that diseases like depression are a very real illness with very real consiquences. I know this from personal experience. My family has a history of chronic depression. My sister is currently on medication that has made her life remarkably better. Our grandfather also suffered from it, but he neglected his medication under the belief that it wasn't doing anything. This resulted in him, out of the blue, shooting himself in the head a few years ago. So yeah, I get irritated when people try and tell me that mental illness isn't real.
arg-fallbackName="Anachronous Rex"/>
Thanks for the link Finger, that's very interesting.

But yes, pure, weapons-grade balonium. I'd try to give a more academic rebuttal, but I honestly don't know where I'd start. Maybe with the obvious fear-mongering soundtrack, Battleship Potemkin level montage, and overabundance of photo-negative images.
They use the most sensationalist of propaganda tactics to tell us that we've all been duped by propaganda.
So Scientology is accusing Psychiatry of inventing pseudoscience, destroying peoples lives, killing people and making shit-loads of money at the same time.

There are no words.

Now hold still while I use my mind-waves to empower your body thetans.