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Nuclear fusion by candle - And funny comments


New Member
Let me introduce the youtuber JonThm
He is the "inventor" of "Molecular nuclear fusion", which makes nuclear energy from candles, boiling water and photosynthesis. It is really quite amazing.

He also knows how to cure AIDS and yes it is all true.

Yet, it is even more amazing that JonThm has 100 subscribers. I must say that really hope those are all supporting family members, though I actually doubt it :(

But I digress. If you want a little fun I suggest that you view the following video and read the comments to the video, which I have included beneath the video they are quite hilarious.


cheesefighter (11 months ago)
You are right. A hydrogen flame can heat tungston red hot in seconds. Thats over 6 degrees. Water only needs 25 to split into hydrogen and oxygen.

JonThm (11 months ago)
Turbulence will set off molecular nuclear fusion in steam: We do not need H gas. Nature does loads of nuclear fusion, from water on the earth.

cheesefighter (11 months ago)
I have a device installed on a small engine at the exhaust port. It creates a lot of steam when water is passed thru it. The steam comes out a small pipe. If I add a larger pipe that narrows to a small pipe do u think this will create enough turbulence? Also what would the results be from this fusion? Would the gas work in a engine or would it just generate a lot of heat. Thanks

JonThm (11 months ago)
Prof. Zimmerman told me you want to adjust a Ti helix. Thsi will super heat the steam, You need to feed 1% of the steam back, t okeep the boiler in a state of boiling, with no fuel burn. Surround the plant in FeO shutters to block the gamma waves coing off.

JonThm (3 weeks ago)
Use a steam plasma to split water int oH and O unpowered, the nburn the gas back to water! Free power.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
That's a molecular reaction, not a nuclear one. Besides, generating that much heat will take far more energy than you could get from burning the resulting hydrogen.

JonThm (2 days ago)
I was taught on my M.Eng in 1982 that candles give off radaition: As the do molecular nuclear fusion.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
Visible light is a form of radiation and that is NOT the same thing as a Gamma Ray.

What elements are being fused in a burning candle? What heavier element is being produced?

JonThm (2 days ago)
Candles produce gamam waves, Helium and Oxygen. Go ask a chemist/physics bod.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
Candles CONSUME Oxygen. Specifically they combine it with Carbon to produce Carbon Dioxide. If a burning candle produced Oxygen, then why would a candle run out of oxygen when burned in an airtight container?

You keep making absurd, unsupportable claims that are are easily refuted by a high school chemistry education and the only evidence you can offer for your claims is "go ask a chemist". Do you have any evidence or sources?

JonThm (2 days ago)
The amount of O produced in very low! B ut the amount of nucl;ear fusion a candle does is not negligible. And it shows us how to do nuclear fusion on Earth.
I was told this stuff in the first year of my M.Eng.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
I have an idea, how about you produce a source other than "first year of my M.Eng."?

Right now all you're doing is making a vague appeal to authority. You expect people to believe you because some unnamed professor supposedly taught you this back in the early 198's. Fine, give us some more sources, give us data other than the recollections of a man making claims that violate basic principals of chemistry. Link to SOMETHING other than your own thought experiments.

JonThm (5 months ago)
Happy for you

JonnyB1692 (2 months ago)
Couldn't understand a word, sorry.

JonThm (2 months ago)
Click on 'JonThm' and I give you my address op my written blog. Read, enjoy!

flakingnapstich (5 days ago)
You're confusing molecular reactions with nuclear ones. You might want to read a beginner's chemistry book before you post any more. You're making quite a fool out of yourself.

JonThm (5 days ago)
Use a Geioger counter! A lit candle gives off gamma waves.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
Not all Geiger counters can detect Gamma Rays. Candles don't produce enough energy to create Gamma radiation. Nuclear reactors can produce it, an exploding star can create it, but if a burning candle could produce a measurable level of gamma radiation, then all the people who burn tea lights in their homes would have radiation poisoning.

Did you actually point a Geiger counter at a candle? If you did, it's pretty clear you didn't understand what was and was not being measured.

JonThm (2 days ago)
You neeed a sensitive Geiger counter, but I was TAUGHT this in 1982, on my M.Eng. In 23 I thought up molecular nuclear fusion, which explains why. THe turbulence of the flame turns H2O into He and O.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
"He" is the abbreviation for Helium. Helium is not a component in water. I'll assume you meant "H" for Hydrogen.

Are you claiming to have a device that can split water into Oxygen and Hydrogen using less energy than is yielded when the resulting Hydrogen is burned? Your comments make it sound like you have a method for doing this that uses "turbulence" instead of heat, electricity or any other commonly used method. What tests have you done to demonstrate this method?

JonThm (2 days ago)
No, by He, I mean Helium. THe turbulence of the flame does molecular nuclear fusion, turning H2O into He, O, gamma waves and a lotr of heat. THius is why the flame is so white! This was from my Me.Eng in 1982.

JonThm (2 days ago)
Sorry, bored: I have a Master's in Engineering from Sheffeild University, UK.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
And you didn't know that a burning candle consumes oxygen? How in God's name could someone get a postgraduate engineering degree in engineering without knowing that fires consume oxygen? Did you get their Urban Water Engineering degree? They list Data Communications as an engineering program. I suppose you could get that without remedial chemistry knowledge.

JonThm (2 days ago)
If you read my last post, you wouls see that the amount of O produced is very small! But the amount of heat and light the nuclear fusion gives off is useful! Candles do nuclear fusion.

flakingnapstich (2 days ago)
If a stable, repeatable form of fusion was actually happening in a burning candle, then why aren't there any commercial applications of this alleged process? Why isn't anyone using it as the basis for a nuclear power plant? You're talking about heat and light from a candle, but that's generated by a chemical reaction, not a nuclear one. Do you have ANY sources for your claims about nuclear candles? Repeating your absurd claim doesn't make it more believable.

JonThm (1 day ago)
Candles would take in energy, if it was nto fro the moleculasr nuclear fusion they do. So every candel on Earth only gives out white light, because of MNF.

flakingnapstich (1 day ago)
Upon your advice I spoke with a chemist about your fantasy land physics. After he stopped laughing he explained that it would require a nuclear reactor to do what you;re claiming happens in a burning candle.

JonThm (1 day ago)
According to Prof Zimmerman, fluid turbuelnce is enough to over come the strong atomic force in molecular hydrogen, and do nuclear fusion. He told me this in 21.

JonThm (1 day ago)
Best proof of my ideas, use a sensitive Geiger counter on a burning candle. My M.Eng. included metallurgby, so see my video on 'cold fusion'. Which the US Military says now works!

flakingnapstich (1 day ago)
What, exactly, does holding a Geiger counter to a burning candle prove? It won't prove your claim that a burning candle is producing Helium.

It's typical of quacks to run around waving scientific devices in the air, claiming that results they don't really understand "prove" their baseless claims. All you've proven during this discussion is you don't understand basic chemistry and have no experimental proof of your claims. Have you ever actually collected helium from a burning candle?

JonThm (1 day ago)
This was from science taught ot me on my PhD at Sheffeild University. It took my two years to accept it. THe world does fusion, includiong your own blood system. You asre nuclear.

flakingnapstich (1 day ago)
Again I'll repeat my main question:

Where are your sources?

Can you link to ANY experiments or peer reviewed papers on the topic?

JonThm (1 day ago)
This stuff was told to me in the coffee bar in the 198s, so no sources were given. Go use a Geiger counter. Unless you don't know how!

flakingnapstich (1 day ago)
Let me get this straight. Your ENTIRE theory is based upon something someone told you in a coffee bar. You have no sources, no experiments and no actual data to back you up, except a conversation in a coffee bar when you were at university. Am I missing something or does that just about sum it up?

flakingnapstich (1 day ago)

Did you actually GET that PhD?

JonThm (1 day ago)
It is on suspecsion, while Sheffeild gave me up for the NIH, who will nto release me. I do immunolgoy as well as engineering. With Harvard medical school.

flakingnapstich (1 day ago)
So you never actually GOT a PhD. That says a lot about your alleged PhD work, doesn't it?

JonThm (1 day ago)
I have done teh work to warent a PhDm btu Sheffeidl released me to go to thwe NIH and study cancer. THe NIH wanted me here worknig on GW. Sob, so no PhD yet! still clever than Prof Zimmerman though. But he onyl has a double first from Columbia.

flakingnapstich (1 day ago)
Do you have some more details about this Prof Zimmerman? I'd love to write him and find out what HIS sources were, assuming your claims about his teachings are accurate.

JonThm (1 day ago)
Prof Z has a double first from Coulbia, and works in Chemical Engineering. He stopped believing in GW in 23 - two years after I told him.

flakingnapstich (7 hours ago)
If he's the one who taught you these things, why does he call you theories "fantasy"?

JonThm (7 hours ago)
He told my turbuelnce did nuclear fusion in 21, but he did not think of molecular nuclear fusion, hence his problem with my idea!
I think he's just a very bad scientist, not completely crazy or anything. A very bad scientist can easily confuse himself. Molecular nuclear fusion! Candles create helium and oxygen! LMAO.

The one crazy bit is that he says that he learned about molecular nuclear fusion in school, and then he talks about how his professor that taught him all this stuff 'did not think of molecular nuclear fusion hence his problem with jonthms idea.' Yeah no joke he didn't think of molecular nuclear fusion - because you made it up buddy.
I'm terrified by him. It's sad that a scientist can fall into the sort of trap usually reserved for religious fundamentalists.
This man is severely brain-damaged. His cognitive skills are impaired, he's mixing up and fails to prioritize information he actually did learn from college and whatever his former carreer path.

His videos are short and incohesive. Why people actually bother to pay them any attention is a mystery in itself.
JonThm (1 day ago)
It is on suspecsion, while Sheffeild gave me up for the NIH, who will nto release me.

I think he made a typo on the NIH and should have written NHS - he is in a mental institution that won't release him. Make more sense than anything he said...
In one of his videos he says that he has lost 30% of the brain. That explains allot.
And as i look at the history of his videos, it apears that he is following a patern of thematic cilces, he ranges from nuclear, to fusion to water fusion, biology fusion, global warming, medical cures and all this over and over again like he completly forgot that he had done that before. He is a depply disturbed man.
He looks like he suffered a stroke >.>
The discussion in the comments was suprisingly serious, it shows he's really limited in his thinking and just keeps using the same argument from autority.
I think he's seriously ill and actually believes what he's trying to tell. Poor bastard...
"cheesefighter (11 months ago)
You are right. A hydrogen flame can heat tungston red hot in seconds. Thats over 6 degrees. Water only needs 25 to split into hydrogen and oxygen. "

I guess he's never used of a kettle if he thinks that!
In one of his videos he says that he has lost 30% of the brain. That explains allot.

I lost a chunk of my brain from a stroke whilst I was in the womb. The only thing that screwed up has my handedness. I use left hand for writing and eating. I use my right hand to drink and clean my teeth. I shoot a gun left-handed but a bow right-handed. Also, I walk heel-toe on my left foot but toe-heel on my right.
It has very little to do with this thread, but I thought I would mention it anyway.
That doesn't quite compare to what happened to that guy, a young person has the capacity to restore damaged brain cells, grown ups can't. And the 30% that he apears to be missing belongs to the frontal lobe that is responsible for cognitive processing (logical thinking). That has a very profound effect on his reasoning, and his speach reflects that. Do not try and compare yourself and this guy.
I suppose so. From looking at this guy's videos, you can clearly see that he has severe mental difficulties. He is currently trying to tell me that waterfalls give off gamma rays.
I'm still having one. He has so-far claimed that breathing near candles is fatal, waves and waterfalls produce gamma rays, you can smell ozone whenever you are by the sea, near a waterfall or in the country, global warming is a myth and of course that candles cause nuclear fusion.
He is clearly insane, there is no reasoning with this guy.
Something seems to have gone wonky with the threading. I'm only able to read the most recent 6 replies in this thread, though the rest of the messages do appear when I open up a reply. For a second there I was concerned I'd had a stroke.
boonw said:
does that guy have some sort of mental disorder?

Given the verbal dysfluency, one or more strokes are most likely, though I wouldn't rule out schizophrenia. I'm basing the stroke guess in part on the fact that he seems to have a grasp on scientific terminology and his concepts almost valid, suggesting he did have some formal education. If he did do the academic work he claims, he may have been a victim of a stroke while in the PhD program he claims to have started. Or it could all be confabulated.

It's really impossible to say for sure without an extensive and externally-confirmed medical history -- and brain scans wouldn't hurt.