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New Member
Hello, my name is...well...I'm a ninja so I can't really disclose that information...Most people just call me ninja. If you're wondering about the stupid username, just know that it's typically bad for your health if you question and/or insult a ninja. I do know where you live after all...

I'm guessing that you people probably want me to talk about myself, right? Well, first things first, I'm a nerd but not just any nerd; I'm a super-nerd. Yes, that does mean I can fly and shoot lasers out of my eyes, but only when I'm playing video games. My interests range widely from anime to...um...zebras? No, wait, I can do this. Uh...zhaunil! There we go! My interests range widely from anime to zhanuil (zhanuil is the drow word for knowledge. ;) ). If it's nerdy I probably like it, or absolutely hate it for some arbitrary reason, like pirates. Two things I am completely obsessed with, though, are D&D and (as was implied earlier) anime. I own all of the 3.5 edition D&D books (in .pdf format), and I hope to get 4 edition soon, as soon as I bother finding a good torrent--err--bookstore to purchase it from... :p I haven't actually played any campaigns yet, unfortunately, because the town I grew up in was your stereotypical white suburb, seriously. The entire school worshiped the football team. The school pumped tens of thousands of dollars into the sports team and gave the academic clubs nothing. The engineering club had to sell itself out to advertising just to buy one small robot kit. We kicked ass, too. Two years ago, I and another kid made it all the way to the national FBLA competition, and school school paid for none of it. Our FBLA branch had to go into debt just to pay for us two and one chaperon to go. It seems I got off on a tangent, doesn't it? I'm sorry, that happens a lot. You'll probably just have to get used to it. Where was I? Ah, yes, interests. As I was saying, my school wasn't really crawling with nerds, and the few who were there were the 'artsy' types. As such, there were only two people in the entire school who liked D&D, including me. You really can't do much with that. The good news is, though, that after graduating high school, he and I (and some other guy) moved into an apartment in the city, in the college-kids part of the city, so we should be able to gather enough people there, with proper advertising. Do you think a big sign saying "D&D CAMPAIGN HERE" posted outside would work? As for the anime, I have several that I like. I have all of the Tenchi Muyo! including the OVA, both TV series, all three movies, and both spin-offs, yes even Pretty Sammy/Magical Project S. I've also got Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure made by the same guy as Tenchi Muyo!. I've got Please Teacher! and its sequel Please Twins! (the Japanese apparently really like exclamation points...). Now, this may not sound too manly, but I will admit that my all-time favorite anime is Strawberry Panic!, and if you don't know what that is, it's a romance genre. while the others are action, action/giant robots, romantic comedy, and romantic comedy, respectively...except for Pretty Sammy/Magical Project S which is action/magical girl...HOWEVER, I swear I'm not gay, honestly... :?

This turned into a huge wall of text...and I really don't know why. This tends to happen a lot, so If you don't like text walls, just skip over my posts, they only contain the secrets truths to the universe, and who really cares about that?
ninja_lord666 said:
and I hope to get 4 edition soon

Trust me... don't. 4. Edition is so horrible compared to 3.5 and makes everything more complicated, less fun and more combat-oriented in one huge step down. And even if your into the kick-in-the-door style of play, 4.th is somehow worse for that aswell. Stick to 3.5, it's good enough.
Yeah, that's what I heard, from a lot of people, like everyone I talk to, so I'm pretty confident that it's probably bad. I just want to look at it, though. Actually, if I remember correctly, I think my roommate might have 4 edition in .pdf on his computer...Maybe I'll just look at that.