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Lucy Letby

~ True Legend ~

New Member
She sounds like such a calculating liar - writing up notes in an attempt to cover her arse to give a misleading representation.

The former nurse was also asked about her claim that hospital bosses had conspired against her to cover up shortcomings on the neonatal unit.

She has previously told her trial that a "gang of four" doctors apportioned "blame" on to her "to cover up failings at the hospital".
Nothing is EVER her fault despite the fact that babies only died when left with her - hmm, coincidence much???

He also asked the former nurse about social media searches which were made to find the parents of the children involved in the case.

She has previously said searching for people on Facebook was "a normal pattern of behaviour for me" and was not confined to those parents.

Mr Johnson repeatedly pressed Ms Letby to explain why she had searched for certain parents, adding that she was "a killer who was looking at your victims".
WHY??? Geez, how disgusting! :mad:


Staff member
I'm not sure I've heard of this person, although the name sounds passingly familiar.

~ True Legend ~

New Member
I forgot to post an update that she was found guilty and jailed for life without parole. She even went as far as appealing her whole life order last month. On what grounds? Only God knows.

Well, I’m glad senior management will be held accountable too for their failures. They deserve it as they seemed concerned only for reputation rather than patient safety, as per below:

Hospital bosses didn’t investigate concerns raises by staff, bullying them into staying silent and even stooping to the level of forcing an apology to Letby upon her grievance with no proper investigation of allegations raised by other staff, despite the progressively increasingly credible evidence as babies continued to perish and only in her presence. For years - no police investigations, no disciplinary actions, no suspensions.

Hospital executives mislead hospital bosses, claiming no evidence of wrongdoing was discovered during an independent external review, while neglecting to mention that a comprehensive review had not been conducted.
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