The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, AKA the DSM, psychology's attempt to list the known mental disorders and the criteria needed to diagnose whether someone suffers from one. Sorta the bible for psychologists. I imagine most here have heard that the DSM has exceptions for religious belief, meaning religious faith leads to behavior that would meet many of the criteria for many disorders. In its glossary, it defines delusion as:
I was looking into this earlier today and did a search for 'religious' in the pdf version I have. You know how when search for a word in a large document, lots of software will put a little mark in the scroll graphics giving you an idea of where the term will be found. See pic of what you see when you search for 'religious'. It's just full of references to religious belief, hmmm. The area near the middle where it's almost solid, no surprise, that's the chapter on sexual dysfunctions. It's somewhat understandable to view what would otherwise be considered delusions as not a mental disorder if someone is immersed in a culture where everyone has the same delusions, but fuck that, mass delusion is still delusion. AND, just look at that pic!, look at how often religious belief needs that exception, it seems to me kinda obvious that if religion routinely, or in general, or almost always, causes behaviors that would otherwise be considered mentally disturbed but for this exception, then maybe they should see religion/religious belief as toxic to mental health. You could say they're actually kinda doing that, aren't they?delusion A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly
held despite what almost everyone else believes and despite what constitutes incontro
vertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not ordinarily ac
cepted by other members of the person's culture or subculture (i.e., it is not an article of
religious faith).