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Electric Universe

Gendou_Augustus said:
What the hell is it? What is it's claims? And does it work? I'd like to know.

In a nutshell, it's am umbrella term for a bunch of kooky ideas that pretend gravity doesn't exist, and often include notions like aether being the physical material of space.

There is no 'it' - there's a bunch of different ideas, pretty much every one is individual to the proponent.

Categorically no, they don't work - none of them have any substantive equations or evidence, and they all need to poo-poo established scientific findings using the same tactics creationists and other woo peddlers employ.
I think that these are claims:
1. Einstein's postulates are wrong.
2. General relativity (GR) is wrong
3.The Universe is not expanding.
4.The electric force travels faster than the speed of light with near-infinite velocity.
5.Gravity has two poles like a bar magnet; dipole gravity.
6.A plenum of neutrinos forms an all-pervasive aether.
7.Planets give birth to comets.
8.Stars do not shine because of internal nuclear fusion caused by gravitational collapse. Rather, they are anodes for galactic discharge currents.
9.Impact craters on Venus, Mars and the Moon are not caused by impacts, but by electrical discharges.[ The same applies to the Valles 10.Marineris (a massive canyon on Mars) and the Grand Canyon on Earth.
11.The Sun is negatively charged, and the solar wind is positively charged — the two systems forming a giant capacitor (this is James McCanney's particular erroneous belief.)
12.EU proponents from the Thunderbolts Project claim to have predicted the natures of Pluto and Comet 67P more accurately than NASA or ESA.

EU proponents claim plasma cosmology as their evidence of the EU.

Most of the claims listed here come from these sites
1. Einstein's postulates are wrong.

And the question would be: which postulates?

2. General relativity (GR) is wrong

That proof would be in the pudding. Where's their equation?

3.The Universe is not expanding.

A direct observation through red-shift - all but a handful of galaxies are moving away from us, and those farthest are moving fastest. I'd like to see them explain this observation without reference to expansion.

4.The electric force travels faster than the speed of light with near-infinite velocity.

Just false. By and large, electricity travels slower than the speed of light - much slower. You can see this directly by watching a lightning bolt - the fact that you can see it as it travels down to the surface disproves that contention.

5.Gravity has two poles like a bar magnet; dipole gravity.

Easy to write, harder to show. Any observational examples offered of the opposing pole of gravity?

6.A plenum of neutrinos forms an all-pervasive aether.

Yeah, pseudoscientific wibble.

7.Planets give birth to comets.

Even if it were true (which it manifestly is not) then this wouldn't have any connection to an 'electric universe' concept.

8.Stars do not shine because of internal nuclear fusion caused by gravitational collapse. Rather, they are anodes for galactic discharge currents.

Except that electricity manifestly does not arc around in space.

9.Impact craters on Venus, Mars and the Moon are not caused by impacts, but by electrical discharges.[ The same applies to the Valles 10.Marineris (a massive canyon on Mars) and the Grand Canyon on Earth.

We've witnessed impact craters being formed by bollides, whereas no electrical discharges (wherever they're supposed to come from) have been observed.

11.The Sun is negatively charged, and the solar wind is positively charged — the two systems forming a giant capacitor (this is James McCanney's particular erroneous belief.)

Again, direct observation and experimentation show that while the solar wind is ionized, it's electrically neutral meaning both positive and negative particles are emitted in relatively equal amounts. The Sun does not have a negative charge.

12.EU proponents from the Thunderbolts Project claim to have predicted the natures of Pluto and Comet 67P more accurately than NASA or ESA.

Whereas, they lack any credibility at all.

EU proponents claim plasma cosmology as their evidence of the EU.

Cranks always think that stacking shit ideas atop each other lends the resulting mass validity.