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Debate: )O( Hytegia )O( and Jwillz46


Active Member
Why do Christians deny the existence of other Gods and spirits in favor of an invisible, immoral God?

The debate between Hytegia and Jwillz46, there is no posting time limit, but for the sake of ease each post will be limited to 2000 characters (not including quoting). The debate will stay on topic and all claims will be backed up with evidence. Both parties are reminded that forum rules still apply, so no insults. Mods will step in if any of this rules are broken.

As it is Hytegia's topic I invite him to make his opening statement, once he has posted Jwillz may reply.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
If this debate were to have a title, it would be "God: A Hate Story."
Not so much that man hates God, but moreso that God hates man - as displayed by his actions not only in modern times and throughout history, but accounted for in His own Biography "The Holy Bible."

In these few short posts, I will not only be showing you that God is immoral in those three sections (The Bible, Modern Times, and Throughout History) - but moreso the sheer injustice that was laid upon the worshipers of the true and fully-existent Pagan gods by the followers of this contradictory all-powerful, immoral deity that the Judeo-Christian-Islamic faiths attribute the name "The Almighty, All-Loving Creator" and took not only their lands and beliefs, but their cultural practices, ceremonies, and even their holidays celebrating their deities and integrated them into their own religious system.

For the sake of this debate, I will present the outline of the Gods and Spirits of the Greeks.
I will not use any argument that my opponent will not use to justify the existence of his deity - but instead will rely on the fact that the Greek pantheon and their interactions amongst one-another, with different goals, ambitions, and dealings amongst mortals are less contradictory than a single all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present being that evil can exist in the presence of.

But, I'd like to think that 2,000 characters is a wee bit short for such an exchange of ideas. 5,000 would be more appropriate, if my opponent will agree.
Am I suppose to make my argument now or wait for him to do a 2000 word argument?
I find the biased and insulting title of the debate quite funny. A very very pathetic attempt to belittle christianity, but atheists are human filth that will do anything in their power to feel superior to other human beings, as they don't hesitate to prove again and again instead of trying to HUMBLE THEMSELVES, they insist they are their own gods.
It doesn't surprise me that they must only debate on internet forums so they can take their time looking up arguments on the internet and using spellcheckers. (Nearly 100% of the atheists I attempt to debate otherwise chicken out.)

Every claim you make is just an assumption or acceptance of what other people have told you; there are no older religions than christianity, that is WHY christianity (which is technically not a religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ) is true.

Why do christians reject other religions? Just look at the similarities, every religion is just a copy of christianity modified to a small to large extent. Notice that religions tend to be based around worship of a god or gods? Just like christianity. I don't see this as a coincidence, then again, I'm not a very big fan of coincidences as others who believe the entire universe and all of life is a coincidence are.

I'll be nice and give actual specifics, for example, Allah is the god of Islam, creator of the universe and the earth. Sound familiar?
How about Buddhism, Buddha has visions and gains followers, then creates a religion out of it.

All of these things are inspired by the Holy Bible.
The first of the 10 commandments says "Do not worship any other gods", because God already knew more religions would take a place in the world.
Just to reiterate, Hytegia isn't an atheist. Also, as explicitly stated in the rules, insults are not permitted. If you cannot post with civility then you won't post at all.

Now, Hytegia to reply.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
I'll snippet your little insulting banter out - since it is clearly the subset of a person who is incapable of researching their opponent before attempting to be witty. I'm no atheist - as I stated clearly in my initial debate post with you. If you can't even keep your trolling relevant, then you're doing poorly at both.
Jwillz46 said:
Every claim you make is just an assumption or acceptance of what other people have told you; there are no older religions than christianity, that is WHY christianity (which is technically not a religion, but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ) is true.

That sounds like a fantastic and interesting argument.

I must ask, then, Jwillz:

What was the religion of Abraham before God sought him out that faithful evening in Ur?
Mod note:

Let me just butt in here real quick:
Jwillz46 said:
I find the biased and insulting title of the debate quite funny. A very very pathetic attempt to belittle christianity, but atheists are human filth that will do anything in their power to feel superior to other human beings, as they don't hesitate to prove again and again instead of trying to HUMBLE THEMSELVES, they insist they are their own gods.

I have underlined the offending phrase.

Jwillz46, that particular comment is dehumanizing, generalizing bigotry of the kind you only come to expect from people who are ACTUALLY human filth.

I find it amusingly ironic that you would make such a comment, while doing the very thing you're accusing atheists of.

Other than that, I'm not amused, and you can consider this strike one against you.

There is no strike two. Make another moronic and bigoted comment like that again and you're banned.

Thank you, and enjoy the debate! :)
I'm bombarded by personal insults even by the very title of the topic, and retaliation is simply out of the question?

I don't care what religion Hytegia is, they're all atheists to me.

I can't believe even after humbling myself all the way down to the level of the atheists in hopes to reach them this is what I get.
No wonder none of you could dare to have a live debate with another person, your life is probably based around the disrespect of other people. You're all cowards, go ahead, try to silence me on your forum. All you have proven here is that you're all scared to have a real debate one on one with another person.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
Jwillz46 said:
I'm bombarded by personal insults even by the very title of the topic, and retaliation is simply out of the question?

I don't care what religion Hytegia is, they're all atheists to me.

I can't believe even after humbling myself all the way down to the level of the atheists in hopes to reach them this is what I get.
No wonder none of you could dare to have a live debate with another person, your life is probably based around the disrespect of other people. You're all cowards, go ahead, try to silence me on your forum. All you have proven here is that you're all scared to have a real debate one on one with another person.

Are you going to debate, or what?

You're a poor troll or a poor fundamentalist Christian. Either one is fine.

What was the religion of Abraham when he lived in Ur. Before God proposed unto him a covenant?