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Anyone put ReactOS onto a computer?


New Member
I recently installed this oddity onto an old laptop, and it’s about as visually appealing as anything that Windows 9x offered, if not slightly less interesting.
ReactOS is an open source, clean room build of the NT kernel. If I remember and understand things correctly. But aside from looking like Windows from a distance, and some commonality, I have not managed to get anything written for anything Windows 9x to work: from drivers, to programs. There’s a lot of the hardware it refuses to recognize, keeping it from internet access, which is probably the greatest hurdle

We are Borg

Staff member
ReactOS is a OS that is engineered to be compatible with Windows, they reversed engineered Windows and made the OS. But its not 100% accurate it has issues and lots of it. The issue is that by reversed engineering only you can’t get 100% compatibility there section you can’t use because of copyright and more. It was a nice project but never a viable option in the real world. These days options like Wine are better.


New Member
of all the alternatives, this one was the hopeful one. The only thing that kept me from going Windows free was DirectX. I had already failed in getting it to work Mint, Fedora, and Free BSD.
From the outside it looked like it would work, just the file names would cause errors.
But it would not have mattered, because I had no network devices detected, so to look at it like I did at the very first time I looked at Windows 95, without internet, or additional software. Feels about the same. Open up notepad, write up some html, saving it in the 8.3 or 8.4 format, and open it with the web browser. So I could see what the internet would look like, if I had it. Which will be the next thing that I do with this to fake having the internet.

We are Borg

Staff member
Youwill need an internal networkcard the number that you’ll need slips my mind but Google “native network card windows xx” you should find a generic one that works there like 10 to 15 dollars and windows has default drivers build in for them.