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Annoyance of the day


Staff member
YouTube has decided, for reasons currently unknown, to purge ALL my subscriptions. Every single one of them. I've signed out and back in again, made sure it's the right account (I have two) and they're all gone. I was sub'd to around 100 channels, so now I have to try to remember what they were and re-sub. I'm aware that in the grand scheme of things this is a trivial irritation, but it's still fucking annoying. I can't find any recent info on this phenomena, does anyone know anything about it? Or has it happened to you?
Sparhafoc said:
Have you checked this: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_manager

Ha, yeah, I checked last night and all seemed to be restored! Bizarre!
As I understand it, sometimes this -- https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions -- doesn't work correctly for some technical reason more to do with browsers than YT, but if you check the subs manager, it will show you what your account is subscribed to.
Sparhafoc said:
As I understand it, sometimes this -- https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions -- doesn't work correctly for some technical reason more to do with browsers than YT, but if you check the subs manager, it will show you what your account is subscribed to.

Useful info, thank you. Would have been a right pain in the cock having to remember 102 channels!