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  1. M

    Two Years!

    Woot! Happy bday! I just posted because I'm too lazy to check when I joined :3
  2. M

    I am a male-chavinist! I hate Pink TED-Talk

    Ugh. tedwomen. as if they're actually trying to highlight some kind of difference... I mean I get that they're trying to talk about issues more relevant to women, or spearheaded by the ladies. But something about targetting the audience, thinking that men wouldn't be interested in the topics...
  3. M

    What evidence would you accept?

    I don't know if there's anything I would accept as evidence for a "god", to be completely honest. Because evidence would have to be something "natural" and their claim about god is that it at least has an element of the supernatural, which is what I'm more concerned about. But the point is. If...
  4. M

    Plastic wrapping your bishop

    Unfortunately the catholic church likes to be centuries behind progress, rather than decades.
  5. M

    Dawkins blog: "Christopher Hitchens: my hero of 2010" Day 1

    Re: Dawkins blog: "Christopher Hitchens: my hero of 2010" Da Reading the comment section of that post made me happy. O-o
  6. M

    Tony Blair debates Christopher Hitchens on religion

    This is probably the best debate I've seen the Hitch in. And I've seen quite a number of them. Sometimes Hitch wouldn't address the point of his opponents and talks instead about what he wants to which to me is a cop-out. He didn't do that here and destroyed Blair, who had only one point to make.
  7. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    He's "finally genuinely busy"? Now that you've agreed to debate him, he's suddenly busy. OKAY THEN. Thanks for nothing, dotoree.
  8. M

    The Westboro Baptist Church will be in my city on Saturday

    Re: The Westboro Baptist Church will be in my city on Saturd ... IS THAT WHYTE AVE?! I MISSED IT?!?!?!?!?!??!
  9. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Wheee. More strawmen. I wonder where all the straw is coming from. Nobody said that you're not allowed to define your own views. You're perfectly well within your rights to do so - which is exactly why this discussion happened in the first place. If you weren't allowed your own views, then why...
  10. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Still complaining, I see. Let me correct you on a few things, not that it'd matter to you since you barely know how to read. 1) The thread is entitled "see someone try to defend creationism honestly". The integrity on the line is yours, or whichever creationist tries to. So far, it seems like...
  11. M

    I need help coming out as an Athiest

    Hack, is that an sc2 reference?
  12. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    You're right. We have no clue about what information you have, since you haven't presented hardly ANY evidence due to no fault of anyone but yourself. You're right in that you can define words to mean whatever the hell you want them to mean. But it doesn't mean that the rest of the world will...
  13. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Wait, are we even taking about evidence yet? I come back to this thread and it's still talking about definitions and No True Scotsman. Can anyone point me somewhere where Dotoree had presented some evidence....?? Oh.. wait... He's talking about MMORPGs? For crying out loud. This is such a yawnfest.
  14. M

    A simple proposition to save a lot of people a lot of time..

    Re: A simple proposition to save a lot of people a lot of ti I nearly shat meself laughing. Kudos, sir. On topic: I'm iffy on the issue of having the various arguments and standard responses stickied. Like others said, I hope it won't turn into copypasta. I think it's best for each...
  15. M

    Rachel Maddow on right-wing media

    Aught, here's the difference between you, me, and these people. We don't vote based on preposterous facts. We are suspicious of things that sound so outlandish that we'll actually look for other sources. If something really mattered to me enough to vote for, I'll actually go check all sources...
  16. M

    Rachel Maddow on right-wing media

    This isn't just funny. It's funny, sad, AND scary. We need to do something about this, NOW.
  17. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Now that we're totally out of the area of actually talking about science, I feel like I can chime in with more lengthy responses to this diatribe, and I'm not even going to pretend to be civil because you're now hiding behind the "I'm so offended I might just leave if you guys arent nice to me"...
  18. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    I've heard your personal life story and how busy you are numerous times already. It's largely... Wait. COMPLETELY irrelevant. Feel free to leave if you're too busy, but stop the whining if you're going to keep contributing anything close to a point. I'm very tired of reading about your personal...
  19. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Translation: "When we the opposition point out many of these gravitational fallacies that have been debunked, the Neo Gravitationalist simply says that, "its just science advancing" In my opinion this is intellectually dishonest and leaves us with an ever-changing non obtainable goal post...
  20. M

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    And I further predict he's going to use our responses to fuel some kind of martyr complex. You heard it here first. Though having spoiled it means that it probably wont happen. and if it doesn't, thats for the best.