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  1. I

    DMCA'd by Daniel Owens

    Yes, my mirrored video has been taken down by Daniel Owens as well.
  2. I

    Have the democrats woken up?

    So in the past few days after the disasterous election in Massachusest, Bernanke is suddenly in trouble for confirmation Obama has had a complete has finally taken a strong stance against the banks, I think that the democrats have finally realized that they actually have to acomplish...
  3. I

    Invasive Species

    My first time using a webcam! I think it turned out pretty well.
  4. I

    How Can We Survive

    Well, places with huge populations like China and India are actually less densely populated than many European countries, who are more or less self sustainable. The problem is that these countries lack the infrastructure to support the kind of agriculture that developed countries have. Wars...
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    Continued Human Evolution?

    Natuaral selection does not select for survival, but reproduction. Therefore survival only counts until you have raised your children (unless grandparents are taking a large enough role in raising their grandchildren to make a difference). However, there are many other selective pressures...
  6. I

    I was a liberal socialist, then this guy destroyd my views.

    Okay, already found something wrong on the video featured on his channel. "The first governments were in fact a ruling class of slave hunters" Actually the earliest governments were tribal leaders, much like what other apes have.
  7. I

    Atheism is DEAD...FOREVER!

    Funny how Nostrodamus can only be used after the event. It's not really a usefull prediction if you have to wait till after the event takes place to predict it.
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    No hope?

    I'm depressed. Democrats have the presidency, and huge majorities in both chambers of congress. So now Lieberman and a few other democrats say they are against the 2nd Healthcare compromise with the expanded medicare. In addition, I don't think that the cap and trade bill (which has been...
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    So I Tried Praying

    There are only two times that I remember praying. The first was when I was stuck in quick sand (I was a curious nine year old, what do you expect?). I tried praying, but in the end I was able to swim/drag myself out, without any help (I was so proud of myself). The second was about a year...
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    Does religion hurt your media tastes?

    I don't let religious messages in songs and such bother me, one of my favorite songs has a very christian message.
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    Conservatives + Sarah Palin

    The Republican party didn't need Sarah Palin's help to destroy itself. I don't think that Palin has any ambition to become president. The fact that she resigned the governorship is enough to prove that. She's in it for one thing, the money. The reason she's acting as a bulldog is to draw...
  12. I

    All things have a 100% chance of happening...

    How do you know? I doubt we'll ever be able to determine whether time is infinite or just really large, just like if we can ever detect alternate universes (big if), if there are an infinite number of them or just a large number.
  13. I

    No more minarets in Switzerland.

    If Switzerland really is on the path to sharia law, banning minarettes won't do a thing to stop it. The only thing that this could accomplish is to inflame hatred on both sides. I don't know enough to say if Switzerland is on that path, but if it is, the Swiss would be much better off to go...
  14. I

    Closet Homophobia

    Colbert did a great segment touching on this. Watch the end. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/252735/october-26-2009/the-word---don-t-ask-don-t-tell
  15. I

    Nihilism (funny)

    Not sure, but some of the comics have some color later on.
  16. I

    Nihilism (funny)

    xkcd comics, which are mostly full of nerd humor. 8-)
  17. I

    I DARE ANY atheists answer my simple Question !!!!

    An agnostic says I can't know whether a god(s) exist or not. An atheist says I can't know whether or not a god(s) exist, therefore I don't beleive. On the topic of synonyms for Deny. Do atheists veto the existance of god? Veto is a synonym of deny, just like disbeleive.
  18. I

    Saying here what I can't there

    Move to Vermont, then.
  19. I

    Your World

    I just founded my nation and joined. Thanks for showing me this!