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Search results

  1. R

    Astronomical Symbols

    I eventually found an aurora symbol for meteorological charts. Thanks for the help on the others.
  2. R

    Astronomical Symbols

    I'm working on a little project and I find myself stumped on a particular issue. Does anyone know if there are astronomical symbols (at this point, I'd take astrological symbols too, or something equivalent) for any of the following: novae, aurora, or nebulae? Thanks for the help.
  3. R

    wiki clarification

    Here's the Conclusion of the relevant Chapter (written by Jos D. Meloen) regarding the F-Scale (pg 67-68): The general conclusion of this study is that the F scale is more strongly related to ring-wing extremism than has hitherto been assumed. From the 1940s on into the 1980s, a number of...
  4. R

    wiki clarification

    This is more a reminder to myself than news to you since I already mentioned this in the chat, but my library has this book available, so I'll try to pick it up tomorrow and let you know what it says.
  5. R

    Your Epiphany...

    I came from a fairly religious home. My parents sent me to a private Protestant school until 6th grade. I remember learning about the error of evolution. In 3rd or 4th grade, for example, we had an anti-evolution lesson presented by an anthropomorphic owl (who could never have evolved its...
  6. R

    Glenn Beck - Corrected

    I'm wondering if someone should get a hold of that documentary Beck was drawing his information from, [i]The Lost Civilization of North America, to give it a thorough review and debunking as necessary. I just watched the trailer. First thing I noticed is that Beck apparently exaggerates the...
  7. R

    Glenn Beck - Corrected

    No offense taken. I figured it was a matter of differing definitions of what qualifies for a city and what doesn't. The rant was directed against Beck's lunacy (and by extension general Mormon lunacy).
  8. R

    Glenn Beck - Corrected

    Actually there's substantial evidence for a variety of cities. The one called Cahokia by archaeologists (it's original name is now lost) was probably the largest city north of Mexico for quite a while. Before that the Adena, Hopewell and Fort Ancient societies almost certainly had villages of...
  9. R

    Former Atheists

    Because semantic arguments are so much fun, I might as well throw in my two cents. A question for Jerico and those affirming that "a(n)-" + "-ism" denotes a positive position, what would you call a person who believes that the existence of gods is currently unknown? How about a person who...
  10. R


    I'm more of a FPS/FP-RPG gamer. I'm apparently completely immune to whatever memetic conditioning gets people hooked on WoW, considering that I've been given multiple free accounts by friends trying to get me to play and never last more than a week. The only MMO that has kinda stuck has been...
  11. R

    Pen and Paper RPG players here?

    I've only seriously played Exalted. A friend got me hooked a few years ago. Dabbled in a few other games, but they never really caught my interest.
  12. R

    Spore and similar games

    I've been craving an updated version of Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life since Spore came out. I'd want some extra nuance than was present in the original game. For example, instead of one generic deer that's only good for forests, it would be nice to be able to specialize and speciate...
  13. R


    I used to play Pharaoh (& Cleopatra) quite a bit. It was the first city-builder I really got into. Love the aesthetics of the game. The mechanics are definitely improved from Caesar III; Emperor improved them further but I've never really had time to play that game as much. Might have to bring...