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  1. K

    "Not a troll" people

    It occurs to me that if a few of the people here would actually try engaging in conversations rather than simply spending their time insulting others and engaging in drive-bys, the content would improve. If this upsets you in all of your self righteous glory, ask yourself this: "When was the...
  2. K

    I get spam...

    ... some of it is amusing, some is offensive, and some is aiming to get my money. This spam is outside of all of those categories. This tool stares at clouds until something vaguely facelike appears to him and then he videotapes it and posts it as proof of god, angels, and whatnots. He, of...
  3. K

    You poor Floridians...

    ...I truly and deeply pity you. Just when I think things like: "Well, at least they've become as backward as possible..." or "Well, you can't get much lower..." or "Well, at least they have very few rights left to lose..." I hear or read something like this: In Florida's news headlines next...
  4. K

    Philosophies as Geometric Graphics

    Very cool page, but I'm wondering if anyone here can take the images and display them for discussion. http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2011/08/30/philographics/ Edit: nm, I guess I had a momentary glitch. The only thing missing is objectivism, which would have a whip and shackles for...
  5. K

    More Conservapedia Gems

    From the "deliberate ignorance page ( http://conservapedia.com/Deliberate_ignorance ): How exactly does one address that which is undisclosed? Hasn't every credible scientist in the field criticised his article? All of them have "inferior credentials?" Not being an expert in the squishy...
  6. K

    Ron Paul

    The overwhelming reason that people proclaim to support Ron Paul, seriously it's the #1 reason every poll, is that he isn't a corporate stooge. I detest people that do bad things, whether or not they are paid to do it. I detest people that want to do bad things, whether or not they are paid to...
  7. K


    Who is on G+? I am, so look for kenandkids at gmail dot com. Kenneth Dunlap is the real name. I really like the site. For the moment it is like a streamlined FB for adults and professionals. It's also very nice to have personal interactions with some favourite scientists and bloggers, people...
  8. K

    A future member

    My son has arrived in the world outside of his mommy's womb. Casey Elliot Dunlap was born at 05:20 and weighed 8 lbs 10 oz. Appropriate number of both fingers and toes and seems perfectly healthy in all regards. I'm just pickled tink!
  9. K


    With the recent discussion that, yet again, demonstrated racism by those who like to declare themselves better than some other group of people (so shockingly a conservative/libertarian... :roll: ), I thought I'd share some of what I see in the concept of "race." I come from a very racist...
  10. K

    It's Official...

    ... they really are an ignorant and uneducated group... and astonishingly proud of their intellectual inadequacies... http://money.cnn.com/video/news/2011/08/01/n_Tea_Party_Debt_Ceiling.cnnmoney/ Fortunately, not every Republican is a teathuglican like some I could mention. Hopefully, the...
  11. K

    Highlights from the meeting of the board

    A recording of the meeting TEA Committee of the Full Board - July 21, 2011. Thanks go to AronRa. AronRa appears at 19:00 Full recording: http://www.texasadmin.com/tea.shtml under title: TEA Committee of the Full Board - July 21, 2011
  12. K


    As I'm sure everyone know2s by now, there has been a bombing and shooting in Norway. I commented on G+ that people had finally relaxed their misapprehension that muslim=terrorist, and that this bombing would simply reinforce the prejudices and associations in the collective consciousness. This...
  13. K

    Teathuglican dream governor

    This is why I stand solidly against the tea party. Any group that finds these creeps to be valid candidates or leaders is a terrible blight on this nation. I seriously can't imagine a more disgusting group than Rick Perry's friends and spiritual leaders.
  14. K

    PZ writes to a nine year old... kinda

    I don't ordinarily do this but I just had to share. Read the whole post at http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/06/dear_emma_b.php#comments Dear Emma; I read your account of seeing a 3.75 billion year old moon rock, and how you asked the person displaying it "Were you there?", the...
  15. K

    Liberal Puppets (literally)

    So Faux News is continuing it's traditions of not really doing anything. They have made it into a science, this working hard to avoid any real reporting and attacking anything that isn't all about ripping off poor people. Watch the rant starting at 1:01 if you aren't picking your jaw off of the...
  16. K


    So I'm sitting here watching the TV show Numbers. The episode is Fist Law, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1256334/ . The episode deals with a possible A.I. that can actually pass the Turing Test. It ultimately failed. Amita says: "I thought this was it. The moment the world changed forever." I...
  17. K

    Bigotry and Worldview

    It is easy to think that atheists and freethinkers are synonymous. I generally don't, but it it is still upsetting to find people that have a similar worldview and end up revealing themselves as bigots. I have, in the past, supported the Black Atheists of Atlanta. Sadly, they reveal themselves...
  18. K

    Annual WIU Block Party

    Every year, these students have a block party. It is wild, crazy, and fun. The only logical reaction this year? Send in stormtroopers. Mace, tear gas, sound cannons, and clubs were used against students, all for having a scheduled party. Police randomly grabbed people off of lawns, and even...
  19. K

    Honouring Women

    I hope all of you feel honoured when your husband punches you in the gut and not the face. When he doesn't swear as he straps you with a belt across your back. When he doesn't break your bones. There is a "beating etiquette" that honours you women, after all. Even camels are so honoured...
  20. K

    Apple --> PC

    My roommate had a macbook. It got left out in the rain and no longer works. He now has a PC. I have questions. 1) Can a Macbook be fixed after being soaked? The battery is definitely dead, but it seems to me that the processor likely is also. 2) Can files from his Apple external storage drive...