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  1. D


    You've misinterpreted what I've said, or do not quite understand the effect drugs play. On an occasion that I had smoked weed I ended up realizing how completely insignificant I was when I looked at the night sky, countered with feeling overwhelmingly huge due to the fact that I am apart of the...
  2. D


    Didn't think my biopsychology class would come in handy so quickly! Thanks for that, point is I'm not doing DMT to "trip out" or just for the sake of tripping, I'm doing it because from what I've read and from what I've been told, which is that if you're in a longer than 5 minute trip it can be...
  3. D


    Thanks for the tips! From some stories that I've heard, I was told that the 5 minutes or so the trip lasts can sometimes seem for an eternity? Not too sure what to think of that. Besides that I'm fairly healthy and hit the gym 5 times a week and am on no medication so I think I should be fine...
  4. D


    Hey guys, haven't posted here in ages :( Sorry. So I consider myself to be fairly spiritual (that may just be me being naive), and occasionally I will smoke weed (I know it's bad but I enjoy the outer-body feelings). Bottom line is, as irresponsible as it is, I am considering doing DMT...
  5. D

    Awesome show.

    So i decided to get considerably stoned last night. I watched, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu9KQQUZ8Rw&feature=related , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlGKAlM5Mno&feature=related , and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu9KQQUZ8Rw&feature=related All of which blew my mind (more so). I think...
  6. D

    Bored With Everything

    To the OP: I'm 18, and it's safe to say im completely addicted to weight training. The endorphine release is amazing; because of this i go to the gym every day of the week, i follow strict guidelines for building a healthy body and take alot of protein and other supplements. I still maintain a...
  7. D

    Oh my word...

    Okay so i googled him and watched a few youtube videos.... it's safe to say that ruined my day. I feel a bit naieve but o well, i'd rather had not known the extent of humanities stupidity.
  8. D

    Oh my word...

    Don't get me wrong i'm extremely internet literate.... Let me reiterate, I'm not usually exposed to people acting smart while vomiting out utterly stupid bullshit. Maybe i should watch more videos.
  9. D

    Oh my word...

    My hands were cupped over my mouth the entire time.... I didn't think these types of people existed - and by 'these types' im referring to completely retarted morons.
  10. D

    University advice

    Nooo, i love every aspect of psychology; its because im doing a BA that im stuck doing subjects that arnt relavent to psychology. Alot of english based subjects really.
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    University advice

    The university i go to doesn't have that course available, however psychology actually has alot of neuroscience in it, atleast the topics im studying atm do.
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    University advice

    that definately gave me somthing to think about thanks :)
  13. D

    University advice

    nooo, i have nothing wrong with feminism; it just frustrates me that these subjects have nothing to do with actual psychology. I dont want to be a therapist, im more interested in the study of neuroscience, which is classed under psychology and encompasses biology and chemestry; which are things...
  14. D

    University advice

    Hey everyone So im a first year undergraduate in a psychology BA. Pretty much i love everything science, unfortunately i am one of the only science literate individuals that i have so far encountered in my 2 semesters at my university. Im stuck doing bullshit rectum subjects like "Contemporary...
  15. D

    BP Spill Worst Case Scenario: we're all gonna die!

    So long, and thanks for all the fish.
  16. D

    Help me keep my sanity

    That's reality. The video Baloney Detection Kit by Michael Shermer is great btw, live by those guidelines and that is the closest you will ever get to living a realist life. However the answers you seek will only be bequethed upon someone who accidentally got locked in a tachyon accelerator...
  17. D

    Help me keep my sanity

    Your question is quite philosophical; that said, i shall answer it philosophically. To my knowledge we can't, from my perspective you could just be a paid actor hired to write questions on an atheist site, who works under a company which broadcasts my entire life (i.e. truman). This quote...
  18. D

    iPhone 4: Queuetastic?

    I'd prefer to order it online and get it shipped tbh. On a seperate note, when you jailbreak an iphone (i have 3GS with iOS4) can you still sync your iphone and such without getting caught? This probably isnt the place to be posting this query but oh well.
  19. D

    What good reason is there for theism?

    Re: What good reason is there for atheism? :| @theOP You emphasise logic yet you fail to appropriately utilise it. Just because science is unfinished does not mean that it will not supply an answer, and even then its illogical to come to conclusions without appropriate evidence. Assuming...
  20. D

    That’s not the afterlife – it’s a brainstorm

    True, the only problem is the statistics :(. The main drawback i assume is the almost impossible probability behind predicting when someone will die and come back to life (near death experience).