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  1. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    Compassion? What a bunch of pussies.
  2. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    Nogre, I love you now ^_^ I had a similar experience when cutting meat. I'd been trying vegetarian dishes for a couple of months, to get a feel for what I would eat. One day, I just decided to not eat meat for a week, and that was that. I did notice that I was a lot hungrier for the next few...
  3. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    I fail to see why that should be technically comforting. Hooray for humankind, advancing to the point that we're unable to empathise with any but our own!
  4. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    With no rights of their own, amirite?
  5. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    Did I say anything about driving a species to extinction? I'm merely pointing out that there's nothing really special about the species, ethically speaking, apart from its role in the biosphere (which I think the animals we farm no longer fulfill: like us, they produce far too much waste and are...
  6. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    *cries* Personally, I think it'd be better to let a species go extinct than to exploit them to the extent we do our food. I doubt the fact that their species is assured survival for as long as ours would be much comfort on the way to the slaughterhouse.
  7. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    Whoops. Hit "Quote" instead of "Edit"... Must be the lack of vitamins.
  8. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    Do you mean to tell me you don't remember our time together? D: In that case, I'd like to go on the record as saying that I think those vegans are wrong. I understand why they say it, since if it were true it would silence many critics (ha), but there are better ways to deal with them. I'm...
  9. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    While I hate to dwell on a what I assume was a comment made very much in jest, I just want to say that most veg*ns would not deny that humans are not strict herbivores. We're not carnivores, either, and can get along just fine without eating meat, or really any animal products (by the way, I...
  10. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    As a vegan, is it now fair for me to reciprocate? :) As for plants' reactions to stimuli, as I said, consciousness deserves respect. I did kind of downplay dumb life, and there is a lot more going on than merely metabolism and reproduction, but there's no evidence that a plant's reaction to...
  11. D

    The Silent Scream of the Asparagus

    The first paragraph of the second page is actually making me feel ill. I can only console myself with the fact that these people appear to be fundies, and their opinions can be largely disregarded. Regarding plant rights, it's just stupid. You cannot draw the ethical line in the sand at life...
  12. D


    Regarding the whole depriving people of minority diversity issue, I call bullshit. Ayaan Hirsi Ali's experiences as a female in an Islamic family have undoubtedly helped shape her into a strong and outspoken woman, but does that in any way justify the sexism she was subjected to through her...
  13. D

    NEW venomfangx???

    There's no way even VenomFangX could have considered Geerup wise and enthralling. I have no doubt money changed hands.
  14. D

    Irrefutable Argument?

    I guess I just expect people with that level of education to think a little bit more before they go spouting their opinions. The evolution comment in particular surprised me. Even the most basic understanding of evolution could explain that. If he doesn't have even that, I'd expect him to keep...
  15. D

    Irrefutable Argument?

    If I am a burrito, why have I not eaten myself yet? Answer: I don't bend that way. Your argument holds.
  16. D

    Irrefutable Argument?

    I find it hard to believe that anyone with that level of education could say something that stupid. Therefore, you, sir, are a liar!
  17. D

    Irrefutable Argument?

  18. D


    There does seem to be a pretty strong correlation between level of education and enlightenment in such matters. Particularly once that education becomes voluntary. I guess it just loses its importance. There are better things to worry about.
  19. D


    When I said you can surround yourself with tolerant people, I mean that most of the people I mentioned above spend the majority of their time around people who accept who they are. Stray outside of that group, and it's not so nice. In particular, the transsexuals I know have all been threatened...
  20. D


    If you're saying what I think you're saying, I have to admit, I take offense at this. The idea that women should be women and men should be men is all well and good, until you realise that anyone who doesn't fit this neat little mold is looked down upon. I typically take an hour to get ready in...