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Search results

  1. N

    Should Black lives matter to me anymore?

    When you care about people being treated as equals, regardless of skin-color.... some things you make it really hard. I'm no expert on the social behaviour of people in the united states, and I'm willing to give the benefit of doubt when they say that black people are not being treated as...
  2. N

    Which 7 Global goals do you support?

    http://www.globalgoals.org/ "World Leaders have committed to 17 Global Goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years" Here is a list of the 17: 1 No poverty 2 Zero hunger 3 Good health and well-being 4 Quality education 5 Gender equality 6 Clean water and sanitation 7 Affordable...
  3. N

    Art of cheese-making is 7,500 years old

    Found this article quite interesting, source http://www.nature.com/news/art-of-cheese-making-is-7-500-years-old-1.12020
  4. N

    maggots, ye olde new antibiotics....

    i read this article.... http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/12/how-maggots-heal-wounds.html How do you guys feel on the usage of maggots?
  5. N

    trust in wikipedia

    im quite curious how much trust do you have in wikipedia as a source. so to start the discussion, i wrote down some questions... how often do you use wikipedia? what kind of information do you look for? what kind of pages do you trust to be accurate? to what extend do you trust certain pages?
  6. N

    unpacking atheism?

    Saw this video pop up which sounds very interesting/hilarious yup, the're doing their best to look righteous and playing the victim with a whole new event. though i doubt anyone here will have the chance to go there what are your thoughts? also... a little extra info source...
  7. N

    does gravity have a length?

    I was watching the documentairy on black holes which was quite interesting. At one point the make a point that in black holes general relativity breaks down and that quantum mechanics is required. the problem they have is with gravity, which makes it difficult to impossible to combine. though...
  8. N


    i saw a picture on 9gag of all places where someone was trolling a creationist of all places.... and lookey, Aig actually evolved a new website http://www.scienceprovesit.com/ actually it's just a crappy frontpage with a pathetic little flash slideshow and two links respectively...
  9. N

    DAFUQ? O'Reilly PRO-gun control

    i was looking for a topic on the forum for a topic on gun control, when suddenly this clip of TYT played on my headset i was quite amused and confused to hear Bill O' Reilly, mr tides, make an argument to regulate gun usage and in such a way that sound intelligent... though that is an...
  10. N

    why negative campaign ads work

    i found this article which had some interesting text. though i doubt it's offentivency, i wouldn't be surprised if it is true... http://truth-2-power.com/2012/06/29/why-negative-political-attack-ads-work-5-in-10-americans-cant-read-8-in-10-cant-process/ some pieces from this article...
  11. N

    the latest religious uproar on youtube

    i "found" this video on youtube, due to my subscription to TruePooka in this video muslim "stone" (throwing bottles and stuff) at christians with really big signs and camera's. not to be out done, the other party posts a video of what happened prior to this event... your thoughts on this...
  12. N

    a troll and his argument aka the elliot argument

    It's hilarious how some wacky religious people want to be like william craig, they create their own "argument" if you haven't heard of it, it's this so-called "elliot argument" by fivethirty who calls himself... the "atheist killa" this so-called argument has some additional notes. I didn't...
  13. N

    South Korea Banning Evolution

    sauce: http://www.nature.com/news/south-korea-surrenders-to-creationist-demands-1.10773
  14. N

    your own unscientific scientific thoughts

    i don't think it's too far a stretch to say that most of us reason and science fanatics. and i doubt we all have idea's about reality and understanding it. Some of the things we might postulate could be an interesting idea that might or might not be good enough for research. and im not sure if...
  15. N

    why is there in america the republican presidential debate?

    watching TYT and also reading newspapers, for quite some while there has been the republican presidential debate. hearing and watching clips from it, me and my girlfriend started to wonder whats really wrong with the republican party. you can call them bought, liars, insane, etc.. but thats not...
  16. N

    creationists pulling out "the big guns"

    was bored and decided to go to conservapedia for the lulz. and on the front page, they posted this. to me it sounds like prerry prayer thing, where more people came to see who would be coming, instead of coming to pray. with point #3 they made.... WHO?! with point #4, "more why do people laugh...
  17. N

    my new religion is Kopimism!!

    if i were Swedish... http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/01/04/group-claims-piracy-now-a-religion-in-sweden/
  18. N

    how badly are atheists distrusted by christians?

    apparently, as much as rapists accourding to this ottonawan research. it''s also hilarous that christians claim to have to moral high ground, yet are unable to show/share it. source...
  19. N

    is the 1% the NWO?

    this is more of a personal rant with little evidence to back it up, which seem to be nagging at my brain for quite a while. we have always seen these people (like Alex Jones) which seem to keep talking about a "New World Order" that is slowly taking over the world behind the scenes. The make...
  20. N

    super atheist horsemen rangers (bad idea)?

    this idea is either very stupid or is gonna be very hilarious... i got this stupid idea after watching the following video shown below, which is about getting Aronra to an atheist convention in Australia. it mentioned they would have the 4 horsemen ( dawkins, bennett, etc.. ) and i thought...