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  1. J

    Conversation with my little sister

    This is why I avoid speaking to my sister. She's an idiot. But yeah, Lifestyle do more good than god. My grandfather is proof of this, Atheist and still herding at 75.
  2. J

    What Does God Feel Like?

  3. J

    4 out of 80

    That''s how many people in my village back home aren't Christian. I hate Laestadianism. Anyway, this is something I was talking about with some people at college, namely. Do you think religion is harder to escape from in smaller, more intimate populations and is it in some cases more likely...
  4. J

    Pagans... You're NOT Atheists

    I spent some time as a Pagan, I prefer them to other religions simply because the vast, vast, vast majority practice what they preach in terms of religion being a personal thing and don't feel the need to shove it in your face at every fucking opportunity. Anyway, most Pagans I know don't see...
  5. J

    Should we offer alternatives to RE in Schools?

    I enjoyed RE immensely. My teachers loathed me but still...... I actually started a debate when I said loudly as we were talking about the prejudices religion brings out (Not the lesson subject but me and my friends had a habit of talking about what interested us, admittedly mostly going out...
  6. J

    Artistic Integrity

    I think whatever you're doing is all about feeling or whatever but at the same time artists, musicians, writers etc evolve and move on and too much of the time this is misconstrued as selling out. I think it is subjective as in a lot of it is subconsciously done because people want enough money...
  7. J

    Anton LaVey/Satanism

    I'm currently reading the Satanic Bible (Hey, hour either way to college, sue me.) so wanted to see what everyone who's read it thinks of him and the Church of Satan.
  8. J

    Should we offer alternatives to RE in Schools?

    If they must teach it they should teach not just the good 'yeah you get eternal bliss'. I want them to show the bad as well, what they think of gays, heathens, etc..... otherwise they're misinforming the students.
  9. J

    Mormon Live Chat

    I can beat both of them. A year or two back one came to the door, I didn't even have to do or say anything. There's a link there if you can't tell. I loathe the link colour. With a passion.
  10. J

    Mormon Live Chat

    I had Turbonegro on when they came. They were less than impressed. Though the fact I look like Satan's second cousin doesn't help.
  11. J

    Mormon Live Chat

    But... but.... They trolled me IRL last week dammit..... :lol:
  12. J

    Who gave liberalism and multiculturalism a bad name?

    No, it's not a lie. And no, I'm not Christian and haven't been since I stopped believing in Santa and God but I'd never renounce the Easter Bunny. I live in a pretty crappy part of Bradford, a city which has always had bad race relations, the city is literally divided into ethnicities and...
  13. J

    Mormon Live Chat

    What about if it's done intelligently, asking on point questions about faith and tolerance?
  14. J

    The story of my de-converstion. (And yours)

    My more open minded friends and my granddad. All there is to it.
  15. J

    Atheists are only human.

    Fiancée. Love her. Nope. Atheists are all werewolves.
  16. J

    Mormon Live Chat

    There's my guess.
  17. J

    Who gave liberalism and multiculturalism a bad name?

    Anyway, politicians, in particular new Labour. Honestly, it's sad, here in the United Kingdom, I can go to a street preacher who approaches me and tell him to sod off but not with anyone else lest I be arrested. And I don't like that, it makes me seem bigoted like I just dislike Christians...
  18. J

    Mormon Live Chat

    Could be a giggle. Perhaps later. Are they interesting or are they just "Why are we here?" "God." "I don't believe in 'im." "That's nice." Or are they all like "I'm atheist." "I will cut you, bitch."