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Search results

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    Pagans... You're NOT Atheists

    I actually "turned" to paganism after consciously rejecting Christianity. I think I did it for two main reasons - firstly that I didn't even consider that belief in no gods was even an option, and secondly that I felt I still needed a "spiritual side" to my life. What I soon realised though...
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    Explain Why You're an Atheist...

    I'm an atheist because there is no proof of anything supernatural.
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    World of Warcraft?

    I've played for a bit, casually. Losing interest somewhat at the moment but no doubt I'll pick it up again and I'm off to BlizzCon next month so I bet that'll do it. I have 68 Draenei Mage on Onyxia (but will transfer her soon), and a 48 Blood Elf Mage on Tichondrius. I prefer Horde but adore...
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    The second is way darker than the first, but the first makes me laugh like a drain EVERY time!
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    Final fantasy music

    When my husband and I got married, the music we chose was all from Final Fantasy games. My uncle played "To Zanarkand" on the piano as I walked down the aisle (the piano solo from the title screen of FFX), "The Oath" from FFVIII was played through their speaker system for signing the register...
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    Religious Music.

    3:24 is when the bit about Christian singing begins, but the whole clip is about religion and has long been one of my favourites. :)
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    I luuuuuv these t-shirts!

    Yay they have ones for the laydeez! ... are my choices.
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    Doctor Assisted Suicide

    I voted "yes if they're terminally ill". My Mum's Mum was terribly ill in her final years and it's prompted my Mum to say to me many times "if I get like that, help me to die a dignified death". I will do that if that's what she wishes. Life is sacred, but this is a subjective statement. If...
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    Hi everyone, AtheistBrit here

    Hi all, LordHathor linked to these boards in a couple of his fairly recent debate videos on YouTube. It looked interesting here so I thought I'd sign up - and here I am! I have a YouTube account too under the same name as this, which I'll be posting more about in the relevant section. I was...