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  1. C

    How did you learn about Evolution?

    I think he got it backwards. I'm sure he meant "all creationists are christians." Even that isn't true though. Bring in he Islamists...
  2. C

    How did you learn about Evolution?

    The basics of evolution were from High School biology class. I then got into Dawkins and Hitchens in an effort to educate myself in order to defend science from my Christian friends. I then got into Thunderf00t and Pat Condell, and from them all other youtube scientists in the debate. I...
  3. C

    Mormon Live Chat

    I always feel slightly odd when I do these things. I try not to be rude but it's difficult.
  4. C

    Difficult anti-abortion video

    The doctor should have killed the baby. I mean, that's his job. Right?
  5. C


    Gordon Brown. /thread.
  6. C

    Is circumcision genital mutilation?

    From my experience female bias in favour of circumcision only exists in areas with a high proportion of circumcised males. I think that different women are into different things. And when a girl uses a foreskin as an excuse to refuse a blowjob... ... well... ... bitch.
  7. C

    Should Al-Magrahi have been freed?

    Not very carefully. He has to skype a Scottish judge once a month. The joke? They can't even set up the skype connection.
  8. C

    Is circumcision genital mutilation?

    The act of circumcision is genital mutilation. By definition. QED. However, that doesn't make it a necessarily bad thing.
  9. C

    Should Al-Magrahi have been freed?

    Well yes, of course. My point was that the Justice Minister of Scotland had the final say. It was a subjective call (and depending on who would be Justice Minister different crimes would be treated differently). If I was the minister I would have let Megrahi go to appeal and let the courts decide.
  10. C

    GoodScienceForYou(warning extreme stupidity)

    I couldn't stand past, "fossils are actually very common" along with the text that "pre-human hominids have been around 8 million years so where are the fossils?" 1) Hundreds of millions of fossils doesn't mean they are common. Given that in the time since life began on this rock we have had...
  11. C


    Well, I have the prayer, now all I need is the woman!
  12. C

    Just punishment

    I favour licensing and tagging all dogs. Then take DNA samples from the shit and fine the owner in question. Plus the cost of the DNA analysis. I view that as a better way than banning pets.
  13. C


    I support adding him to "notable youtubers." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_YouTube_celebrities
  14. C


    I don't understand what all the above was about. Or was that just to collate information?
  15. C


    I'm surprised how long it's been up for. Oh well. I'm sure it will take a long time for anyone to see it.
  16. C

    Should Al-Magrahi have been freed?

    Indeed. I don't disagree with the idea of compassionate release but I think it should be restricted in use for certain crimes. Crimes such as terrorism and mass homicide.
  17. C

    Interesting graph of beliefs in USA

    Damn... You're right. They should probably have just "less than once a month."
  18. C

    Should Al-Magrahi have been freed?

    I voted no, because murderers shouldn't be available for compassionate leave of prison. I'm from Scotland and this is just one more reason not to vote SNP (although I'm a Tory so that was going to be unlikely).
  19. C

    Interesting graph of beliefs in USA

    Wait, how is "more than 4 times a month" the same as "once or twice a month?" I mean, lrn2numbers. AMIRITE??? :P