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  1. S

    "They are singing and praying"

    I agree with Prolescum that there's good reason for praying, from the viewpoint and situation of the ones affected. But there are other ways of holding together in a situation of despair and shock other then prayer. Let's try imagine what would be done if an earthquake would strike in an area...
  2. S

    news from VFX's father directly!

    Well I agree, I didn't propose ridicule as a way of "healing" the one being ridiculed. that doesn't work in almost any case. I was talking about preventing other from going the same route by showing them how ridiculous it is.
  3. S

    news from VFX's father directly!

    just briefly: Any creationist / strong religous person I know in this country, where this kind of nuttery is not a prime problem, is deluded because of roots in mental/emotional instability. The only other cause would be indoctrination from childhood on. Because if you're in the right state of...
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    >.> http://altmedicine.about.com/od/optimumhealthessentials/a/Concentration.htm not a bad compilation of possibly helpful tips. I myself usually just let my thoughts go nuts until they calm down. No point in constantly trying to concentrate when there's stuff going on. What also helped me a...
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    Amazing new invention!

    Hey!!! :evil: that was my idea exactly when I was 12 or so, you stole it! :D
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    Amazing new invention!

    Tell me the idea, I'll help ya :lol: :P
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    a conundrum

    Well, the logical answer, which turns the question rather nonsensical, is: If that was true, and if I was an atheist, I would not have morals and, as such, not care about this topic and, as such, remain atheist.
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    Green Revolution Support

    There you go: or
  9. S

    )O( Ask a Pagan )O(

    I looked it up in a dictionary, it's not there. In my very own personal opinion, making up words is not okay in alsmost any case. ;) But meh. Have it your way... *goes away* ;)
  10. S

    What caused the big bang?

    I like to see it this way (and my knowledge on this is very limited); As time only came into existence together with the rest of the universe (space/matter/energy), I think "causality" does not even play a role in this whole matter.
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    How Can We Survive

    I'm optimist enough to think that population growth will not be a notable problem. At least to that problem we know the solution, and it's not too hard to implement in the long term: education, rights of women and economic growth.
  12. S

    Are you Positive it is Discriminatory

    I sometimes have been thinking along similar lines - not concerning races or homosexuality - but feminism, simply as I don't perceive the other two as a problem in my surroundings. Well, feminism isn't a problem either but it always got me irritated when women started to act all superior and...
  13. S

    Guess who is at it again?

    the second one is priceless. playing dumb again? no kidding...
  14. S

    )O( Ask a Pagan )O(

    What is it with this "Magick" business anyway. Can't we just drop this. It's misspelled. >.> edit: and what's with the ")o("? Does it have any meaning other then being ornamental?
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    397 Million Year-Old Tetrapod Footprints Found

    how do they know how old it is? edit: mh okay. they dated the rock.
  16. S

    Call inn nanny-state! (now about smoking laws)

    Re: Call inn nanny-state! Nah, I don't think so. Anywhere I know of the majority of establishments wasn't happy about the ban and they no doubt would allow smoking again without hesitating. And listening to the workers? I very much doubt that. People working in gastronomy are treated like shit...
  17. S

    Call inn nanny-state! (now about smoking laws)

    Re: Call inn nanny-state! In a social society, there's a big problem with principles like this: In the end, everyone is paying for the medical care bills. In a society where everyone pays for other peoples illnesses it is necessary to prevent people from hurting themselves. If there was an...
  18. S

    Hello from Denmark

    to duer spiller harpe, mens man spiser wienerbrà¸d
  19. S

    Laura Ingraham vs. Atheist

    I agree, I know of both Switzerland and Germany, that the most stupid kinds of papers are the best-selling ones. The Swiss "Blick", and the German "Bild" are very successful and full of bullshit. On the other hand, both of these coutries have government funded TV which is quite good. Most...
  20. S

    Ye olde atheists

    I just found this youtube video of Bertrand Russell explaining why he doesn't believe in god. The video is from 1959 and Russell was born in May 1872. It just brings a smile to my face seing an old man, born in the 19th century speaking this reasonably. I also like that he dismisses the usual...