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Search results

  1. B

    Shari'ah law makes sense

    At least some aspects of it. Take the punishment of stoning for adultery as an example: it serves as a strong deterrence. It is a step taken to preserve the family structure, to ensure the correct upbringing of children through the receipt of all their rights (emotional and financial), it is a...
  2. B

    Problem of evil solved

    The following article, in my opinion, solves the problem of evil/suffering: http://www.alislam.org/library/books/revelation/part_2_section_6.html So what does everyone think? I'm genuinely interested to know, and I'd appreciate it if you read the entire article before addressing it.
  3. B

    A case for hijab: objectification and confidence

    Despite what feminists and other 'liberals' say, wearing a hijab (Google it if you don't know what it is) is not a sign of oppression. In fact, there are clear advantages in wearing one. Firstly, it increases confidence since you're no longer worried about how you look. Unlike most Western women...
  4. B

    Anthropogenic global warming: biggest hoax in science

    No one can deny that average global temperatures have risen about 1.2 degrees/F during two periods: 1910-1940 and 1975-2000, or, 55 years of the past 150 years of recorded weather. The other 95 years the average temps have either remained stable or dropped, including from 1940-1975. Those...