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Its not missing we just not have the ability yet to detect or see it. The stars and black holes account x% of al matter in the universe, then we know we cant see planets like stars but detect them by other means. That accounts for x% again but we still missing a lot of stuff that is what we call...
He is all ready getting backslash from other country leaders if you give us trouble we are going to do it back to you. China all ready is canceling contracts with the USA and ist in the billions of dollars all ready. His Project 2024 its taking off by putting people in place that are incompetent...
Well the economy is going to tank just like last time, he does not know how tariffs work so the moment he implements does its done with lots of businesses because they need to pay more for goods. If he steps out of NATO its going to be fun because in all the time NATO exists only the USA has...
You use the Post hoc (ergo propter hoc) fallacy trough out this all and a few others. Atheism is not a believe at all its a rejection strictly speaking. I went to a Christian school when i was a child because the nearest public school was bad really bad. But even when i was 6 years when i went...
In the past Forums where high in the results of Google now these days Facebook groups, reddit, discord are more on the first page. Also people are not sharing information like 20 years back. Most consume and do not give back.
League of Reason uses the server of the Phylogeny Explorer Project because where are under their umbrella. Next month or September i’m going to upgrade the server, its been 3 years that we did this and it’s time. The reason is simple for the same money you get more, so the server will run...
Because some people are trying to find escape goats. They are brainwashed by the masses that its not true, its the great reset etc and the government is not responding how they should.
Thats because the old URL is from someone else and transfers where not going true so we made the call for .org.uk. Also League of Reason falls under Phylogeny Explorer Project that is registered in the UK.
Our party system is the country it self so you’ll vote on a party member that is all counted towards the party then they count for member so if people vote for the fifth member on the list he gets in before the other four unless you get more votes. Our system is complex you’ll need around 6500...
Well where a nation of 17.5 million people (Netherlands) we have a system in place to support people but it has failed miserably, in such a way that the government is paying out restitution. We call it “de toeslagen affaire” translated “the surcharge affair”. Its so bad that children where taken...
No i want that people wash their hands and so on. Do you know the difference between an Asian person and a western person. The Asian person when sick they use a mask straight away, they are much more mindful then a westren person that shouts its my right this and that not to wear a mask.
If it wasn’t for covid i was happy too, because off all the countermeasures the flu was just gone if people would do the same now the flu would be gone.
As i wrote we as admins or moderators give people lots of leeway but in the end we can only allow so much. But even for neuro-divergent persons they need rules if not they will think there allowed to do anything they want. That said we give lots of room here if you read the posts and we do not...
We warn a lot as admins if you look at the discussion here you will see that many get warning on warning but in the end they hang themselves. As for people that has disabilities it will go the same way but in the end if they do not listen they go in timeout.