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Recent content by SimonSS

  1. S

    How fast can you type? :D

    English - 107 wpm. Since I type with a Dvorak layout it probably wouldn't be meaningful to try any other language (it's designed for English).
  2. S

    1 Peter 3:15 = Reason

    Unfortunately it doesn't give much in the way of what criteria a "reason" should satisfy, and even more unfortunate is that christians' own criteria are so weak (understandably so, though - how else could they be satisfied?).
  3. S

    Moar Pinecones a.k.a. The New Meme

    Cool vid! lol. More would be better ;) I've seen "fucking pinecones, how do they work?" floating around a bit. Fairly lol-worthy :)
  4. S

    Game. testing your rationality on religion

    I took one hit. Probably should have bitten the bullet :p What was the alternative - answer false? That would be saying "it is not foolish to believe in God without certain, irrevocable proof that she exists". Which irks me.
  5. S

    Alcohol & Paracetamol

    Let's not forget the much more important question: what about paracetamol to relieve certain hangover symptoms? :oops:
  6. S

    predicting the winner of the 2010 world soccer cup

    Australia not even getting through the group stage? Clearly inaccurate. :P
  7. S

    Replacing plastic card with fingerprints could it work?

    We've had major problems in recent years with card fraud in the form of skimming (both credit and otherwise), Australia being targeted because our banks are quite liberal when it comes to daily withdrawal limits. However the schemes are a bit more elaborate than described in the wiki article...
  8. S

    Replacing plastic card with fingerprints could it work?

    Fingerprints are easy to forge. There's a mythbusters ep about it (if they can do it, anyone can...). Without actually reading it at all, I'm assuming the aritcle borrofburi linked says as much, and for more general biometrics. Plus I'm not particularly comfortable with "Big Brother" having my...
  9. S

    "Logic can't define what is ethical."

    The above was said to me and I was simply too gobsmacked to even know where to begin responding. "Um, yes it can" isn't much of a response, and since I haven't delved much into moral philosophy I can't meaningfully go to this person and explain how it can. So my question is this: how would you...
  10. S

    Regarding memory and emotions

    Five people? Sorry to be skeptical but that seems way too few to be of any use :\
  11. S

    Any Aussies here...?

    *waves* Wrong city though :facepalm: .. j/k :P welcome!
  12. S

    The Game - (Now that you've lost it, click here anyways!)

    Re: The Game - (Now that you've lost it, click here anyways! I recall rule 3 with a slight addition, whereby if you heard/read/etc someone announce that they lost the game, or if they even merely talk about the game (eg like this thread), you didn't actually lose yourself but also had 30 mins...
  13. S

    Pythagorean triples

    There's an obvious way to do what you want for a side of even length. Rethinking your example, you have 16 which is even - so divide by 2 to get 8. Pick m,n so mn=8, say m=2 and n=4. Then 4^2-2^2=12 and 4^2+2^2=20. It gives others as well: pick m=1 and n=8 to get a triple (16, 63, 65). As for...
  14. S

    Something to think about..

    As far as I'm aware fear is basically by definition a survival mechanism. So to me, "fear of death" is actually redundant. Of course we (and most living things) have an instinctive aversion to death, or else we wouldn't be here (natural selection). Nothing to do with what "might come...
  15. S


    My bad :? It's my Honours year. I had two assignments this week, plus thesis work, PLUS I'm also applying for graduate jobs at the moment... hectic as. I've not run off anywhere though :) But it's Friday night, the beer is out and... I'm home alone posting on LoR ;) I'm not quite sure what...