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Recent content by Shapeshifter

  1. S

    "They are singing and praying"

    I agree with Prolescum that there's good reason for praying, from the viewpoint and situation of the ones affected. But there are other ways of holding together in a situation of despair and shock other then prayer. Let's try imagine what would be done if an earthquake would strike in an area...
  2. S

    news from VFX's father directly!

    Well I agree, I didn't propose ridicule as a way of "healing" the one being ridiculed. that doesn't work in almost any case. I was talking about preventing other from going the same route by showing them how ridiculous it is.
  3. S

    news from VFX's father directly!

    just briefly: Any creationist / strong religous person I know in this country, where this kind of nuttery is not a prime problem, is deluded because of roots in mental/emotional instability. The only other cause would be indoctrination from childhood on. Because if you're in the right state of...
  4. S


    >.> http://altmedicine.about.com/od/optimumhealthessentials/a/Concentration.htm not a bad compilation of possibly helpful tips. I myself usually just let my thoughts go nuts until they calm down. No point in constantly trying to concentrate when there's stuff going on. What also helped me a...
  5. S

    Amazing new invention!

    Hey!!! :evil: that was my idea exactly when I was 12 or so, you stole it! :D
  6. S

    Amazing new invention!

    Tell me the idea, I'll help ya :lol: :P
  7. S

    a conundrum

    Well, the logical answer, which turns the question rather nonsensical, is: If that was true, and if I was an atheist, I would not have morals and, as such, not care about this topic and, as such, remain atheist.
  8. S

    Green Revolution Support

    There you go: or
  9. S

    )O( Ask a Pagan )O(

    I looked it up in a dictionary, it's not there. In my very own personal opinion, making up words is not okay in alsmost any case. ;) But meh. Have it your way... *goes away* ;)
  10. S

    What caused the big bang?

    I like to see it this way (and my knowledge on this is very limited); As time only came into existence together with the rest of the universe (space/matter/energy), I think "causality" does not even play a role in this whole matter.
  11. S

    How Can We Survive

    I'm optimist enough to think that population growth will not be a notable problem. At least to that problem we know the solution, and it's not too hard to implement in the long term: education, rights of women and economic growth.
  12. S

    Are you Positive it is Discriminatory

    I sometimes have been thinking along similar lines - not concerning races or homosexuality - but feminism, simply as I don't perceive the other two as a problem in my surroundings. Well, feminism isn't a problem either but it always got me irritated when women started to act all superior and...
  13. S

    Guess who is at it again?

    the second one is priceless. playing dumb again? no kidding...
  14. S

    )O( Ask a Pagan )O(

    What is it with this "Magick" business anyway. Can't we just drop this. It's misspelled. >.> edit: and what's with the ")o("? Does it have any meaning other then being ornamental?
  15. S

    397 Million Year-Old Tetrapod Footprints Found

    how do they know how old it is? edit: mh okay. they dated the rock.