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Recent content by Sarge084

  1. Sarge084

    Don't laugh, this is serious

    The latest J & M cartoon will have you splitting your sides then.
  2. Sarge084

    What is the problem with nudity?

    As a naturist myself i thought I should wade in here and offer my viewpoint. I can understand why the question was asked on a rationalists forum, hoping that some sensible answers might be forthcoming, and yes on the while there has been little condemnation, apart from one! Only people with...
  3. Sarge084

    The most annoying round of bullshit I've heard lately..

    Here in the UK only a Dr can certify death, did this guy have a death certificate? The heart can stop beating, but as any first aider knows it is possible to restart the heart, the critical point is when the heart has stopped beating long enough for the blood to de-oxygenate and brain tissue...
  4. Sarge084

    Atheism is DEAD...FOREVER!

    Can't you feel all that Christian love flowing! Far from being insulted I found it mildy amusing to imagine the blood vessels on his forehead pulsating madly as he typed his letter of love and fellowship to his fellow humans. Pete
  5. Sarge084

    Happy New Censorship!

    One step into the future, two steps back into medieval times. And there was me thinking that the Irish were wanting to be taken seriously, after years of being the butt of jokes they fought for the chance to prove they were not the bumbling simpletons of the old Irish jokes, then this!! Did you...
  6. Sarge084

    Is circumcision genital mutilation?

    Putting a child through such a barbaric process is nothing short of cruelty, and strips the child of his right to choose, fine if they want it done in adulthood, after all, it's no skin of my nose!! It should a legal requirement that both parents are in attendance at the time of mutilation...
  7. Sarge084

    Wealth of the Catholic Church

    Sarge was suggesting that the Catholic church, with all it's wealth, is more concerned about the catholic church than any starving children across the world. Yes the Catholic church does good work, some good work, but with who's money, remember that it is ALL money donated by parishioners, and...
  8. Sarge084

    Global Warming

    Let me step in here, I'm a skeptic, but I sit somewhere in the middle, yes AGW is a reality, although the link with CO2 is tenuous at the very least, a coincidence definitely. What worries me is that world attention is centred on CO2, the other greenhouse gases seem to have faded into the...
  9. Sarge084

    Wealth of the Catholic Church

    This clearly illustrates the immorality that abounds within the Catholic church, it declared it'sBoston diocese insolvent following the child abuse scandal, and is now forced into liquidating property to pay compensation, and yet the Vatican with all it's wealth hasn't offered to bail them out...
  10. Sarge084

    It's just a game people

    There it is, no reasonable person! That's right, no reasonable person would kill another, but they do, and those who may just be the right side of reasonable can be swayed but the wrong influence, and cross the line of acceptability. Pete
  11. Sarge084

    It's just a game people

    To a right thinking person, that's one who can tell the difference between reality and virtual reality, the whole idea seems preposterous, but generations of kids have grown up killing virtual enemies without a second thought, so it's not inconceivable that they carry this over into reality...
  12. Sarge084

    God hates yeast

    Christians not being able to drink BEER is probably the best reason for being an atheist. And now you come to mention it, what about all the wine that is supposed to represent Christs blood, made with yeast, those Christians are sinners I tell you!
  13. Sarge084

    The Naked Truth

    No worries for me, I'm a naturist so I'm more than willing to strip off and save them the cost of running their silly scanner. The fun part will come when prudish prats refuse to pass through the scanner. Har-de-har-har.
  14. Sarge084

    Don't go having an opinion now

    Funny that the POA should come up in the freedom of speech arena, as a naturist I've been all to well aware of the misuse of the POA, and several police forces have had cases thrown out by CPS for using it in regard to non-sexual nudity. The best known case (Among nudists worldwide.) is Steve...
  15. Sarge084

    Looking for a larf? The Atheist's Guide To Christmas

    I couldn't find this listed anywhere, but apologies if someone beat me to it. Anyway, I'd like to let you all know about a new book coming out on October 1st, but you can pre-order on Amazon (UK), Amazon (USA). I'm still waiting for my copy with bated breath, and I ordered mine back in June...