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Recent content by justsomefnguy

  1. J

    Devising a simple test for creationists.

    First let me just say that is an excellent list ZombiePresident, and I would certainly vote for it (and you) if there was an election. I spent a lot of time on irc doing the evolution/creation debate. It started at about the same time I was actually studying evolution in college, so it was...
  2. J

    The Real Debate

    This is something I started doing in IRC about 5 years ago. At first getting into those sort of 'debates' was very helpful for me personally, I was still learning the ins and outs of evolutionary theory, so is was good exercise to explain them to people which a good many misconceptions After a...
  3. J

    Best. Christian. Website. Ever

    What is especially charming about the site is that any given time there are a few legitimate christians registered and posting without being aware that it is a parody site. Although, from what I understand, they don't last very long. Not 'christian' enough apparently.
  4. J


    Some years ago I had an uncle that pulled this crap. He and his wife and converted to some sect or another that heavily emphasized proselytisation. At a family reunion he stood up among a group that was busy socializing and catching up and began to extol the merits of his particular view of...
  5. J

    Why are gnus so hated?

    I've wondered about this myself from time to time, but I don't think there is anything particularly 'new' or 'gnu' about this particular brand of atheism. The difference is that people don't feel like its something they have to keep to themselves. Atheist attempting to engage the theist in the...
  6. J

    evolution fairy tale forum

    I wasn't able to stand much more than browsing a few threads and Hytegia's brave attempt there, but what little I did see just reinforced a growing feeling I have that it simply isn't worth the effort. I'm a little concerned about this attitude, and my joining here was, in part, to counter it...
  7. J

    "Arguing on the internet= You're still retarded

    Well, as this topic seems to have ripened to a nice firmness I think I'll throw in before it drops from the tree and starts to rot. Just simply arguing on the internet is not necessarily retarded in and of itself, its largely about your expectations about the results and your intentions. There...
  8. J

    The stupidest thing a creatonist has ever said to you

    Thanks for the reply, and that is about what I expected. I suppose I should stop telling people that the proper name for humans is homo sapien sapien (not that I did it a lot, but never pass up a chance to be smug, I say 8-) )
  9. J

    The stupidest thing a creatonist has ever said to you

    I'm kind of confused as to why this is still an issue. At the time I was studying for my anthropology degree (about 10 years ago), it was announced that neanderthals were actually a sub-species and that we were now homo sapien sapiens. A cursory internet search tells me that this is far from a...
  10. J

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Ok, AronRa, has explicitly stated he isn't going to debate dotoree, and there are several other volunteers to do so. My suggestion at this point is that we establish that dotoree is capable of debate. That is, that he is capable of understanding the basic precepts and following them. From the...
  11. J

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Another suggestion that everyone be familiar with Dunning-Kruger, I was introduced to this concept my first day on the forums (although I had been aware of it in a very informal way). Understanding this idea will go a long way to interpreting much of what is attempted by science critics in...
  12. J

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Only in your mind dude, absolutely no one else agrees with that interpretion No, what is happening is that nobody (including AronRa) is allowing you to substitute your bullshit definitions for the actual meaning of words. Its one of the most common and basic tactics among creationists to...
  13. J

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    You really do have a serious problem. AronRa specifically stated, at the beginning and repeatedly, that he wasn't interested in a formal debate. The suggestion to move the discussion to the debate forum was for your benefit, to keep you from getting mobbed (which you have complained about...
  14. J

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    You know, at this point, I'm kind of wondering if we are dealing with an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. That would explain an awful lot.
  15. J

    See someone try to defend creationism honestly

    Oh, hey, thanks for responding to my post. Seems I forgot a few things, like a huge capacity for self-delusion, an inability for honest self-examination and the tendency to accuse others of one's own faults. But please, keep it up. This is turning out to be a complete examination of all of the...