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Recent content by BoundToTell

  1. B

    Over and Over Again (re: the League of Reason)

    Due to the school changing everything about how our online system works over the summer, she hasn't had a chance to reupload the class materials. That comes next week sometime. Also, the textbook is nothing out of the ordinary. Link. It's the one with the leopard on the front. If my school...
  2. B

    Over and Over Again (re: the League of Reason)

    Textbook and various readings from other things to be assigned (and distributed) upon future dates. I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you mean who chose the material for the course, that'd be a combination of the state, the university, the school, the biology department, and the teacher...
  3. B

    Over and Over Again (re: the League of Reason)

    Not sure where else to put this, but yeah. Just some of my follow up thoughts to last Sunday's LoR blogTV show and my experience in class the very next day. Essentially, I focus on the impact to everyone else while the show's callers and panelists tended to focus on the individual who has been...
  4. B

    Authoritarianism and Atheism

    I thought I knew a lot about this topic, especially from the historian's perspective, but it's always nice to be reminded that there's still so much more to learn about anything.
  5. B

    Question about Egyptian slavery

    While my field of study is definitely not ancient history, I think it might be more appropriate, given what Rex said about alcohol killing bacteria, to view it as "beer-ed up" water, instead, if this is indeed the case. Either way, all three effects are achieving. The drink has less disease...
  6. B

    The Last Book You've read

    Re-read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States."
  7. B

    Question about Egyptian slavery

    Well, in Ancient Egypt, you have the ma'at, which essentially would amount to a strict social order. This concept was personified as a god, but that distinction is made just for clarity. The ma'at was the embodiment of the incredible conservative nature of the civilization. In this order, no one...
  8. B

    Why, hello there!

    Hey. I've been browsing for a while, and upon creation of this identity (BoundToTell), I decided I might as well finally actually make an account here. Mostly, I'm in the chat more often than posting or browsing the forums. Anyway. I don't really have much to say other than I figured I should...
  9. B

    LoR theme song

    Clearly, daerht/
  10. B

    Authoritarianism and Atheism

    I believe you've answered everyone's questions ever.
  11. B

    Can we ever 'know' history?

    I'm not alone! Yay.I'm only an undergrad student of history at this point, but it was when I got to college and studied something other than military history (which all of my high school history teachers had graduate degrees in) that I realized I have a love for it. Since I've been only even...
  12. B

    They did what??

    Remember the good ol' days? When there wasn't a care in the world (except World War I)? That's right, I miss the days of 1918 when vibrators were put in Sears ads. Had to cure that female hysteria somehow, and doctors couldn't be bothered to give hours long "pelvic" massages. Clearly, these...
  13. B

    Can we ever 'know' history?

    We can know many different versions of history than merely what is accepted by most of the generation. That's the entire point behind the study and research of history, to constantly test our knowledge of the past. Unless you have a society where all dissenting interpretations of current events...